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ФПН / ХИМИЯ / Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева
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Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева В годишник Статии Иванова-Станчева Д., Ст. И. Каракашев, И. Йотова, Влияние на BACL2 върху пенливостта на натриев додецил сулфат, Сборник с доклади от Национална конференция с международно участие “Природни науки”, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2024, стр. 6-12. 11.11.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Niravkumar Raykundaliya, Stoyan I. Karakashev , Vyomesh M. Parsana, Nikolay A. Grozev, Kristina Mircheva and Dilyana Ivanova-Stancheva, Inorganic Salts as Chemical Foam Suppressors, Coatings 2024, 14, 1358., Q2, IF=2.9, SJR=0.49 11.11.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева Други Доклади Petkova N., D. Ivanova-Stancheva, S. Karakashev, Investigation of anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate) in combination with inorganic electrolyte (LiCl) and monitoring of ion-specific effects related to: foam drainage, rate of formation, half-life and destruction of vertical foams, 12-ТА СТУДЕНТСКА НАУЧНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ “ЕКОЛОГИЯ И ОКОЛНА СРЕДА”, 19-20.04.2024г., гр. Шумен 11.11.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева Други Доклади Петкова Н., Д. Иванова-Станчева, Ст. Каракашев, Кинетика на изтъняване на пенни филми стабилизирани с катионно или анионно повърхностно-активно вещество, Национална конференция с международно участие “Природни науки”, 27-28.09.2024, Шумен. 11.11.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева В сборник Доклади Стоян Каракашев, Диляна Иванова-Станчева, Ирина Йотова, Станислав Дончев, Неорганични соли като химични антипенители, ШУ „ Епископ Константин Преславски“, Национална конференция с международно участие “Природни науки”, 27-28.09.2024, Шумен. 11.11.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева В сборник Статии Петкова Н., Д. Иванова-Станчева, Ст. Каракашев, Кинетика на изтъняване на пенни филми стабилизирани с катионно или анионно повърхностно-активно вещество, Ниделина Петкова, Диляна Иванова-Станчева, Стоян Каракашев, Сборник с доклади от Национална конференция с международно участие “Природни науки”, 27-28.09.2024, Шумен, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2024, стр. 56-61. 07.11.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Petkova, N., Ivanova-Stancheva, D., Grozev, N.A., Mircheva, K., Karakashev, S.I., Counter-Ion Effect on the Surface Potential of Foam Films and Foams Stabilized by 0.5 mmol/L Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, Coatings, 2024, 14(1), 51 Цитирана в: Ramesh Dadi, N., Kumar Maurya, N., Gupta, P., Advancing foam EOR: A Comprehensive Examination of Key Parameters and Mechanisms from Surfactants to Nanoparticles, 2024 Journal of Molecular Liquids 415,126177 видима в Scopus, 06.11.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S.I., Ivanova, D.S., Angarska, Z.K., (...), Slavchov, R., Nguyen, A.V., Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage, 2010 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 365(1-3), pp. 122-136 Цитирана в: Chatzigiannakis, E., Vermant, J., PERSPECTIVE: Interfacial stresses in thin film drainage: Subtle yet significanta) 2024 Journal of Rheology 68(4), pp. 655-663 видима в Scopus, 06.11.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Angarska, J.K., Ivanova, D.S., Manev, E.D., Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactants and their mixtures, 2015 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 481, pp. 87-99, Цитирана в: Nowrouzi, I., Mohammadi, A.H., Khaksar Manshad, A. A non-ionic green surfactant extracted from the Anabasis setifera plant for improving bulk properties of CO2-foam in the process of enhanced oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs, 2024 Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, DOI10.1002/cjce.25401 видима в Scopus 06.11.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Ivanova-Stancheva, D., Influence of the hamaker constant on the value of the critical thickness of foam films, 2019 Coatings 9(9),576 Цитирана в: Zhao, Y., Qiu, J., Zhu, X., He, X., Li, Y., Interfacial properties and foam performance of alpha olefin sulfonate and CO2 switchable aminopropyl methyl siloxane surfactant mixtures, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents 2024, 27(4), pp. 589-603, видима в Scopus, 06.11.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Karakashev, S., Tsekov R., D. Ivanova. Dynamic Effects in Thin Liquid Films Containing Ionic Surfactants. - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 356 (2010) 40–45 (IF = 2.236)(Web of Science and Scopus, Q2) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Karakashev, S., Ivanova, D., Angarska, Zh., Manev, E., Tsekov, R., Radoev, B., Slavchov R., A. Nguyen. Comparative Validation of the Analytical Models for the Marangoni Effect on Foam Film Drainage. - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 365 (2010) 122–136 (IF = 2.236)(Web of Science and Scopus, Q2) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Karakashev S., D. Ivanova. Thin Liquid Films Drainage: Ionic versus Non-ionic Surfactants. - Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 343 (2010) 584–593 (IF = 3.070)(Web of Science and Scopus, Q1) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Ivanova, D., Angarska, Zh., Karakashev, S., E. Manev. Drainage of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside or dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide and their mixtures. - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 382 (2011) 93–101 (IF = 2.236)(Web of Science and Scopus, Q2) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Karakashev, S., Ivanova, D., Manev, E., Kirilova, R., R. Tsekov. An experimental test of the fractal model for drainage of foam films.- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 353 (2011) 206–209 (IF = 3.070)(Web of Science and Scopus, Q1) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Angarska, J., Ivanova, D., Gerasimova A., K. Balashev, „Competitive adsorption of bovine serum albumin and n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside in foam films”, in the Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 460 (2014) 286-298 (IF = 2.11)(Web of Science and Scopus, Q2) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Tsekov, R., Ivanova, D., Slavchov, R., Radoev, B., Manev, E., Nguyen, A., S. Karakashev. Streaming Potential Effect on the Drainage of Thin Liquid Films stabilized by Ionic Surfactants. - Langmuir, 26 (7), (2010) 4703–4708 (IF = 4.186)(Web of Science and Scopus, Q1) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева В годишник Статии Angarska, J., Ivanova, D., N. Hristova. Experimental data for the velocity of thinning and critical thickness of foam films stabilized by hexaethyleneglycol monododecyl ether. - Annual of Shumen University, vol. XXII B1, 2013, p. 37-51. 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Ivanova, D.S., Angarska, J.K. Drainage and critical thickness of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects volume 438, issue , year 2013, pp. 93 – 103.(IF = 2.11) (Web of Science and Scopus, Q2) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Angarska, J., Ivanova, D., E. Manev,\"Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactantsand their mixtures\", in the Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 481 (2015) 87–99 (IF = 2.11) (Web of Science and Scopus, Q2) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Ivanova, D., Angarska, J., Manev, E., \"Critical thickness of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactants and their mixtures\", ASN, Vol 3, No 1, Pages 44-50, 2016 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Ivanova, D., Angarska, J., Manev, E., \"Kinetic and equilibrium properties of foam films stabilized by mixtures of n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside with nonionic or ionic surfactants\", Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Special Issue A (pp. 7 - 12) 2016 (Q4) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Petkova, N.K., Ivanova-Stancheva, D.S., Grozev, N.A., Mircheva, K.M., Karakashev, S.I., Ion-specific effects on foam films and foam from diluted solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate, Bulgarian Chemical Communications (2024) 56, pp. 128-131, Q4 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Ivanova, D., Angarska, J., Manev, E., Tachev K., \"Critical thickness of foam films stabilized by nonionic or ionic surfactants and their mixtures, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 519, pp. 34-45, 2017(Web of Science and Scopus, Q2) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Ivanova-Stancheva, D. Influence of the Hamaker Constant on the Value of the Critical Thickness of Foam Films. Coatings, 9 (9), 576-589, doi:10.3390/coatings9090576, (Web of Science and Scopus, IF=2.330, Q2) 10.09.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Stoyan I. Karakashev, Dilyana S. Ivanova-Stancheva, Nikolay A. Grozev, Kristina M. Mircheva, Behavior of froth in absence and presence of particles, Minerals Engineering 212 (2024) 108715, (Impact factor: 4.8, SJR 1.027, Q 1.) 11.06.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Статии Nidelina Petkova , Dilyana Ivanova-Stancheva , Nikolay A. Grozev, Kristina Mircheva and Stoyan I. Karakashev, Counter-Ion Effect on the Surface Potential of Foam Films and Foams Stabilized by 0.5 mmol/L Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, Coatings 2024, 14, 51. (Web of Science and Scopus, IF=3.4, Q2) 08.01.2024
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева Други Доклади Диляна Иванова-Станчева и Стоян Каракашев, Йон-специфични ефекти в пенни филми съдържащи натриев додецил сулфат, ШУ „Епископ Константин Преславски“XX National conference with international participation \\\\\\\"Natural sciences 2021\\\\\\\", 27.09-01.10.2021, Shumen 21.12.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева В сборник Статии Н. Петкова, С. Каракашев, Д. Иванова-Станчева, Пенни филми, стабилизирани с натриев додецил сулфат, , Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“ Шумен, 2022, ISSN 2603-2937 21.12.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Публикувани рецензии, становища и отзиви в научни/академични списания 1 рецензия на статия за списание ENERGIES, Q3. 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Angarska, J.K., Ivanova, D.S., Manev, E.D., Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactants and their mixtures, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 481, pp. 87–99 Цитирана в:Aqueous foam synergistically stabilized by the composite of lignin nanoparticles and surfactant Fan, X., Guan, X., Zhang, M., Liu, Y., Li, Y. 2022 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 643,128727 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Ivanova-Stancheva, D., Influence of the hamaker constant on the value of the critical thickness of foam films 2019 Coatings, 9(9),576 Цитирана в: Paul, S., Hasan, M.N., Molecular dynamics perspective of condensation over a hybrid wetting surface 2022 Molecular Simulation 48(5), pp. 448-461 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S.I., Ivanova, D.S., Angarska, Z.K., ...Slavchov, R., Nguyen, A.V., Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2010, 365(1-3), pp. 122–136 Цитирана в: Rajabi, H., Grassia, P., Transport of soluble surfactant on and within a foam film in the context of a foam fractionation process, Open Access, 2023 Chemical Engineering Science, 265,118171 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S.I., Ivanova, D.S., Angarska, Z.K., ...Slavchov, R., Nguyen, A.V., Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2010, 365(1-3), pp. 122–136 Цитирана в: Chatzigiannakis, E., Chen, Y., Bachnak, R., Dutcher, C.S., Vermant, J., Studying coalescence at different lengthscales: from films to droplets, Open Access 2022Rheologica Acta, 61(10), pp. 745-75 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S.I., Ivanova, D.S., Angarska, Z.K., ...Slavchov, R., Nguyen, A.V., Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2010, 365(1-3), pp. 122–136 Цитирана в: Mikhailovskaya, A., Chatzigiannakis, E., Renggli, D., Vermant, J., Monteux, C., From Individual Liquid Films to Macroscopic Foam Dynamics: A Comparison between Polymers and a Nonionic Surfactant, Open Access, 2022Langmuir, 38(35), pp. 10768-10780 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S.I., Ivanova, D.S., Angarska, Z.K., ...Slavchov, R., Nguyen, A.V., Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2010, 365(1-3), pp. 122–136 Цитирана в: Mizev, A., Shmyrov, A., Shmyrova, A., On the shear-driven surfactant layer instability Open Access 2022 Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 939,A24 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S.I., Tsekov, R., Ivanova, D.S., Dynamic effects in thin liquid films containing ionic surfactants, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2010, 356(1-3), pp. 40–45 Цитирана в: Bubble characteristics in subcooled flow boiling of seawater LI, Y., REN, S., ZHANG, S., JIANG, X., PAN, C. 2022 Chemical Engineering Journal 430,132019 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S.I., Tsekov, R., Ivanova, D.S., Dynamic effects in thin liquid films containing ionic surfactants, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2010, 356(1-3), pp. 40–45 Цитирана в: Review of foam fractionation as a water treatment technology Buckley, T., Xu, X., Rudolph, V., Firouzi, M., Shukla, P. 2022 Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia) 57(6), pp. 929-958 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S.I., Ivanova, D.S., Thin liquid film drainage: Ionic vs. non-ionic surfactants Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010, 343(2), pp. 584–593 Цитирана в: Bi, W., Zhang, P., Du, X., Zhao, H., Ren, S. , Stabilization of natural gas foams using different surfactants at high pressure and high temperature conditions 2022 Journal of Surfactants and Detergents 25(3), pp. 387-398 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Tsekov, R., Ivanova, D.S., Slavchov, R., ...Nguyen, A.V., Karakashev, S.I., Streaming potential effect on the drainage of thin liquid films stabilized by ionic surfactants Langmuir, 2010, 26(7), pp. 4703–4708 Цитирана в: Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., Jiang, N., Lu, D., Zhang, T., Separate Reclamation of Oil and Surfactant from Oil-in-Water Emulsion with a CO2-Responsive Material 2022 Environmental Science and Technology 56(13), pp. 9651-9660 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания # Ivanova, D.S., Angarska, J.K., Manev, E.D., Tachev, K.D., Critical thickness of foam films stabilized by nonionic or ionic surfactants and their mixtures, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, 519, pp. 34–45 Цитирана в: Liu, S., Li, X., Chen, Y., (...), Peng, B., Liu, J., An experimental study on the structure and surface distribution of hydrophobic nanoparticles stabilized liquid foam 2022, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 208,109706 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева Други Доклади Ion-specific effects on foam, Irina Yotova, Nidelina Petkova, Stoyan Karakashev, Dilyana Ivanova-Stancheva, XX National conference with international participation \\\\\\\"Natural sciences 2022\\\\\\\", 30.09-1.10.2022, Shumen.- poster 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева Други Доклади Foam Films Stabilized by Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate , Nidelina Petkova, Stoyan Karakashev, Dilyana Ivanova-Stancheva, XX National conference with international participation \\\"Natural sciences 2022\\\", 30.09-1.10.2022, Shumen. 09.11.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания R. Tsekov, D.S. Ivanova, R. Slavchov, B. Radoev, E.D. Manev, A.V. Nguyen, and S.I. Karakashev „Streaming Potential Effect on the Drainage of Thin Liquid Films stabilized by Ionic Surfactants” Langmuir, 26 (7), (2010) 4703–4708 Цитирана в 1. Timothy T. Duignan, The surface potential explains ion specific bubble coalescence inhibition, May 2021Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 600(1–3) DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2021.04.144 2. Xurui Zhang, Rogerio Manica, Qingxia Liu, Zhenghe Xu, Inward Flow of Intervening Liquid Films Driven by the Marangoni Effect during Bubble–Solid Collisions in Ethyl Alcohol–NaCl Aqueous Solutions, April 2021Langmuir 37(14) Follow journal, DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c03600 31.03.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания D.S. Ivanova, J.K. Angarska „Drainage and critical thickness of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects vol. 438, 2013, 93 – 103 Цитирана в 1. Emmanouil Chatzigiannakis, Nick Jaensson, Jan Vermant, Thin liquid films: Where hydrodynamics, capillarity, surface stresses and intermolecular forces meet, June 2021Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 53(2):101441, 31.03.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev, D.S. Ivanova, Zh. K. Angarska, E.D. Manev, R. Tsekov, B. Radoev, R. Slavchov and A.V. Nguyen „Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects vol.365 (2010) 122–136 Цитирана в 1. Emmanouil Chatzigiannakis, Nick Jaensson, Jan Vermant, Thin liquid films: Where hydrodynamics, capillarity, surface stresses and intermolecular forces meet, June 2021Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 53(2):101441, 2. Emmanouil M Chatzigiannakis, Jan VermantJan Vermant, Dynamic stabilisation during the drainage of thin film polymer solutions, May 2021Soft Matter 17(18) , DOI: 10.1039/D1SM00244A 31.03.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания D.S. Ivanova, Zh.K. Angarska, S.I. Karakashev, E.D. Manev „Drainage of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-b-d-maltoside or dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide and their mixtures” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects vol.382 (2011) 93–101 Цитирана в 1. Bruno Giordano Alvarenga, C. C. R. Goncalves, Aurora Perez-Gramatges , Stabilization of CO2-foams in brine by reducing drainage and coarsening using alkyldimethylamine oxides as surfactants, December 2021, Journal of Molecular Liquids 347(3):118370, DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2021.118370 2. Chunxi Li, Han Xiao, Rui Jiang, Xuemin Ye, Effect of wall slip on vertical film drainage in presence of soluble surfactants, April 2021, Physics of Fluids 33(4):042113, DOI: 10.1063/5.0045877 31.03.2022
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева В сборник Статии Йон-специфични ефекти в пенни филми, стабилизирани с натриев додецил сулфат, Д. Иванова-Станчева, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“ Шумен, 2021, ISSN 2603-2937 03.12.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева Други Доклади Иванова, Д., Ангарска, Ж., Е. Манев- Доклад “Изтънявяне на пенни филми стабилизирани от смеси на нейонни повърхностно активни вещества”, Scientific Conference “Natural sciences” 2006 (с международно участие) 28.09 -1.10.2006, Varna. 03.12.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S., Ivanova, D., Comparative Validation of the Analytical Models for the Marangoni Effect on Foam Film Drainage. - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 365 (2010) 122–136 Цитирана в: Batjargal, K., et. Al., Adsorption kinetics of various frothers on rising bubbles of different sizes under flotation conditions, 2021 Minerals 11(3),304, pp. 1-16 29.04.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания J. Angarska, D. Ivanova, E. Manev „Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactantsand their mixtures “Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, vol.481 (2015) 87–99 Цитирана в: Zhou, J., Ranjith, P.G., Wanniarachchi, W.A.M. 2020, Different strategies of foam stabilization in the use of foam as a fracturing fluid, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 276,102104 05.03.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания J. Angarska, D. Ivanova, E. Manev „Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactantsand their mixtures “Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, vol.481 (2015) 87–99 Цитирана в: Tan, J., Liang, L., Peng, Y., Xie, G. 2020, Challenges of using froth features to predict clean coal ash content in coal flotation, International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization pp. 1-37 05.03.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания J. Angarska, D. Ivanova, E. Manev „Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactantsand their mixtures “Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, vol.481 (2015) 87–99 Цитирана в: Nowrouzi, I., Mohammadi, A.H., Manshad, A.K. 2020, Primary evaluation of a synthesized surfactant from waste chicken fat as a renewable source for chemical slug injection into carbonate oil reservoirs , Journal of Molecular Liquids, 306,112843 05.03.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания J. Angarska, D. Ivanova, E. Manev „Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactantsand their mixtures “Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, vol.481 (2015) 87–99 Цитирана в: Dehdari, B., Parsaei, R., Riazi, M., Rezaei, N., Zendehboudi, S. 2020, New insight into foam stability enhancement mechanism, using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and nanoparticles, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 307,112755 05.03.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания J. Angarska, D. Ivanova, E. Manev „Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactantsand their mixtures “Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, vol.481 (2015) 87–99 Цитирана в: Koolivand, H., Mazinani, S., Sharif, F. 2020 , Change in interfacial behavior by variation of amphiphilic nanosheets/anionic surfactant ratio using dynamic tensiometry, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 597,124754 05.03.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S., Ivanova, D., Angarska, Zh., Manev, E., Tsekov, R., Radoev, B., Slavchov R., A. Nguyen. Comparative Validation of the Analytical Models for the Marangoni Effect on Foam Film Drainage. - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 365 (2010) 122–136 Цитирана в: Tan, J., Liang, L., Peng, Y., Xie, G. 2020, Challenges of using froth features to predict clean coal ash content in coal flotation , International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization pp. 1-37 13.01.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev, S., Ivanova, D., Angarska, Zh., Manev, E., Tsekov, R., Radoev, B., Slavchov R., A. Nguyen. Comparative Validation of the Analytical Models for the Marangoni Effect on Foam Film Drainage. - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 365 (2010) 122–136 Цитирана в: Chatzigiannakis, E., Veenstra, P., Ten Bosch, D., Vermant, J. 2020, Mimicking coalescence using a pressure-controlled dynamic thin film balance, Open Access, Soft Matter, 16(41), pp. 9410-9422 13.01.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev S., D. Ivanova. Thin Liquid Films Drainage: Ionic versus Non-ionic Surfactants. - Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 343 (2010) 584–593 Цитирана в: Shang, K., Xie, W., He, D., (...), Chen, F., Aleksandrova, T.N. 2020, Study on the foam behavior of amine reagents adsorbed at gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid interfaces,Open Access, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 57(1), pp. 192-205 13.01.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev S., D. Ivanova. Thin Liquid Films Drainage: Ionic versus Non-ionic Surfactants. - Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 343 (2010) 584–593 Цитирана в: Song, Y., Zhang, L., Wang, E.N.2020, Criteria for antibubble formation from drop pairs impinging on a free surface, Physical Review Fluids, 5(12),123601 13.01.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Ivanova, D., Angarska, Zh., Karakashev, S., E. Manev. Drainage of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside or dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide and their mixtures. - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 382 (2011) 93–101 Цитирана в: Chatzigiannakis, E., Veenstra, P., Ten Bosch, D., Vermant, J. 2020, Mimicking coalescence using a pressure-controlled dynamic thin film balance, Open Access, Soft Matter, 16(41), pp. 9410-9422 13.01.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Ivanova, D., Angarska, Zh., Karakashev, S., E. Manev. Drainage of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside or dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide and their mixtures. - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 382 (2011) 93–101 Цитирана в: Roberto, P.-G., Arturo, B.-T. 2020 , Coalescence of air bubbles: Effect of the electrical double layer, Minerals Engineering,150,106301 13.01.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Ivanova, D., Angarska, Zh., Karakashev, S., E. Manev. Drainage of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside or dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide and their mixtures. - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 382 (2011) 93–101 Цитирана в: Chatzigiannakis, E., Vermant, J. 2020, Breakup of Thin Liquid Films: From Stochastic to Deterministic, Physical Review Letters, 125(15),158001 13.01.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания D. Ivanova, J. Angarska, E. Manev, K. Tachev 2017 Critical thickness of foam films stabilized by nonionic or ionic surfactants and their mixtures. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects vol.519 34–45. Цитирана в: Zhou, J., Ranjith, P.G., Wanniarachchi, W.A.M. 2020 , Different strategies of foam stabilization in the use of foam as a fracturing fluid, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 276,102104 13.01.2021
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev, R. Tsekov and D.S. Ivanova „Dynamic Effects in Thin Liquid Films Containing Ionic Surfactants” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects vol.356 (2010) 40-45. Цитирана в: Andrew Akanno, Eduardo Guzman, Laura Fernandez-Pena, Francisco Ortega, Ramon G. Rubio, Surfactant-Like Behavior for the Adsorption of Mixtures of a Polycation and Two Different Zwitterionic Surfactants at the Water/Vapor Interface, Molecules, 24(19):3442, DOI: 10.3390/molecules24193442 September 2019 (IF 3.06, Q2 ) 04.11.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания # Angarska J.K., Ivanova D.S., Manev E.D.,2015, Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactants and their mixtures. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 481 , pp. 87-99, Web of Science and Scopus, IF=2.762, Q2 ЦИТИРАНА В: Matsubara, H, Email Author, Chida, K, Yoshimura, M., Aratono, M., Ikeda, N., Common black film stability and synergetic adsorption in ionic-nonionic mixed surfactant systems, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 582, 5 December 2019, Article number 123932, (IF 3.131, Q2 04.11.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev, D.S. Ivanova, E.D. Manev, R. Kirilova, R. Tsekov, „An experimental test of the fractal model for drainage of foam films” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science vol.353 (2011) 206–209 Цитирана в: Toro-Mendoza, J., Paredes-Altuve, O., Velasquez, M.A., Petsev, D.N., Reframing droplet coalescence: Identifying the distinctive dynamics of nanofilm evolution, 2019, Physical Review Fluids 4(9),093604 (SJR=1.057) 04.11.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания J. Angarska, D. Ivanova, E. Manev „Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactantsand their mixtures" Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, vol.481 (2015) 87–99 Цитирана в: Li, C., Li, M., Shi, Z., Ye, X., Effect of soluble surfactants on vertical liquid film drainage. Physics of Fluids, Volume 31, Issue 3, 2019, Article number 032105 Web of Science and Scopus, IF=2.620, Q2 04.11.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev, D.S. Ivanova, E.D. Manev, R. Kirilova, R. Tsekov, „An experimental test of the fractal model for drainage of foam films” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science vol.353 (2011) 206–209 Цитирана в: Zhu, J., Yang, Z.Email Author, Li, X., Hou, L., Xie, S. View Correspondence, Experimental study on the microscopic characteristics of foams stabilized by viscoelastic surfactant and nanoparticles, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Volume 572, 5 July 2019, Pages 88-96 04.11.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev and D.S. Ivanova „Thin liquid films drainage: Ionic vs. non-ionic surfactants” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science vol.343 (2010) 584–593 Цитирана в: Li, C., Li, M., Shi, Z., Ye, X., Effect of soluble surfactants on vertical liquid film drainage, Physics of Fluids 31(3),032105, 2019 04.11.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания # S.I. Karakashev, D.S. Ivanova, Zh. K. Angarska, E.D. Manev, R. Tsekov, B. Radoev, R. Slavchov and A.V. Nguyen „Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects vol.365 (2010) 122–136. Цитирана в: A. Tiribocchi, A. Montessori, S. Miliani, M. Lauricella, M. La Rocca, and S. Succi, Microvorticity fluctuations affect the structure of thin fluid films. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 100, 042606 – Published 10 October 2019 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.042606 04.11.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания # S.I. Karakashev, D.S. Ivanova, Zh. K. Angarska, E.D. Manev, R. Tsekov, B. Radoev, R. Slavchov and A.V. Nguyen „Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects vol.365 (2010) 122–136. Цитирана в:Chu, P., Finch, J., Bournival, G., Ata, S., Hamlett, C., Pugh, R.J. A review of bubble break-up. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 270, 2019, Pages 108-122 Web of Science and Scopus, , IF=8.243, Q1 04.11.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева Други Доклади Герасимова-Пенева, А., Иванова-Станчева, Д.. Изследване на ПФ от албумин и смесите му с додецил-b-D-малтозид чрез клетка, позволяваща замяна на филмообразуващата течност. 17-та Национална конференция с международно участие “Природни науки”, 4-6 октомври, 2019, Shumen - ПОСТЕР 04.11.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева Други Доклади Ivanova-Stancheva, D. Influence of the Hamaker Constant on the Value of the Critical Thickness of Foam Films. 17-та Национална конференция с международно участие “Природни науки”, 4-6 октомври, 2019, Shumen - ПОСТЕР 04.11.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева Други Доклади Nikolay Grozev, Kristina Mircheva, Dilyana S. Ivanova, Abhilash Sankaran, Stoyan I. Karakashev, Soumyadip Sett, Alexander L. Yarin, Superspreaders and Non-superspreaders – Comparison of their properties under different conditions, 20th International Workshop of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8.11-10.11.2018, Sofia 15.03.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева Други Доклади Dilyana Ivanova, Thin Liquid Film Drainage. Comparison of Theory and Experiment, (NCNS 2019), Shumen, Octomber 5- 7, 2018 15.03.2019
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания D. Ivanova, J. Angarska, E. Manev, K. Tachev 2016 Critical thickness of foam films stabilized by nonionic or ionic surfactants and their mixtures. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects vol.519 34–45. (IF = 2.829/ SJR=0.753) Цитирана в: Sheng-Jin Li, Lu Lai, Ping Mei, Yan Li, Li Cheng, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yi Liu, 2018, Equilibrium and dynamic surface properties of cationic/anionic surfactant mixtures based on bisquaternary ammonium salt. Journal of Molecular Liquids Volume 254, 15 March, Pages 248-254 (IF = 4.513/ SJR=0.849) 19.10.2018
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev, R. Tsekov and D.S. Ivanova „Dynamic Effects in Thin Liquid Films Containing Ionic Surfactants” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects vol.356 (2010) 40–45. Цитирана в: Matthias J. Hofmann, Hubert Motschmann, 2017 A parameter predicting the foam stability of mixtures of aqueous ionic amphiphile solutions with indifferent electrolyte, Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 529, , pp. 1024 – 1029, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2017.07.016 (IF = 2.829 / SJR=0.753). Scopus 19.10.2018
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev and D.S. Ivanova 2010 „Thin liquid films drainage: Ionic vs. non-ionic surfactants” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science vol.343; 584–593 Цитирана в: Zhou, L., Yang, Y., Yin, S., Du, X., Yang, Y., 2018 Temporal and spatial evolution of the thin film near triple line during droplet evaporation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117, pp. 1147-1157 (IF = 3.891/ SJR=1.498) Scopus 19.10.2018
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev and D.S. Ivanova 2010 „Thin liquid films drainage: Ionic vs. non-ionic surfactants” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science vol.343; 584–593 Цитирана в:Sanatkaran, N., Kulichikhin, V.G., Malkin, A.Y., Foudazi, R., 2018, Spreading of Oil-in-Water Emulsions on Water Surface, Langmuir 34(37), pp. 10974-10983 (IF=4.186) Scopus 19.10.2018
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev, D.S. Ivanova, Zh. K. Angarska, E.D. Manev, R. Tsekov, B. Radoev, R. Slavchov and A.V. Nguyen, 2010: Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects vol.365, 122–136 Цитирана в: Luo, X.Email Author, Yin, H., Yan, H., Huang, X., Yang, D., He, L., 2018, The electrocoalescence behavior of surfactant-laden droplet pairs in oil under a DC electric field, Chemical Engineering Science , Volume 191, 14, Pages 350-357 (IF = 3.306/ SJR=1.043) Scopus 19.10.2018
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Angarska, J., Ivanova, D., E. Manev,"Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactantsand their mixtures", in the Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 481 (2015) 87–99 Цитирана в: Marinova K, Naydenova K, Basheva E , Bauer F, Tropsch J, Franke J, New surfactant mixtures for fine foams with slowed drainage, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 523 (2017) pp 54-61 11.02.2018
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Angarska, J., Ivanova, D., E. Manev,"Drainage of foam films stabilized by nonionic, ionic surfactantsand their mixtures", in the Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 481 (2015) 87–99 Цитирана в: Kumar S Mandal A, Investigation on stabilization of CO2 foam by ionic and nonionic surfactants in presence of different additives for application in enhanced oil recovery, Applied Surface Science, vol. 420 (2017) 11.02.2018
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания R. Tsekov, D.S. Ivanova, R. Slavchov, B. Radoev, E.D. Manev, A.V. Nguyen, and S.I. Karakashev, ”Streaming Potential Effect on the Drainage of Thin Liquid Films stabilized by Ionic Surfactants”, Langmuir, 26 (7), (2010) 4703–4708 Цитирана в: Oriane Bonhomme, Baptiste Blanc, Laurent Joly, Christophe Ybert, Anne-Laure Biance, “Electrokinetic transport in liquid foams’’, 2017, 11.02.2018
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Кarakashev S.I., Ivanova D.S., Angarska Z.K., Manev E.D., Tsekov R., Radoev B., Slavchov R., Nguyen A.V. , Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage , (2010) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 365 (1-3) , pp. 122-136. Цитирана в: Zhang, C., Jiang, Y., Ju, H., Wang, Y., Geng, T., ”Organic counterion modified quaternary ammonium salt: Impact on antibacterial activity & application properties”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 241, 2017, pp. 638 – 645. 11.02.2018
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева В сборник Доклади Dilyana Ivanova “Smart Foam”, XIV th National Conference “Natural Sciences 2016” (NCNS 2016) Varna, September 30-October 02.2016 27.11.2016
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Angarska, J., Ivanova, D., Gerasimova A., K. Balashev, „Competitive adsorption of bovine serum albumin and n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside in foam films”, in the Journal Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 460 (2014) 286-298 Цитирана в: Ali, Mohd. Sajid; Al-Lohedan, Hamad A. „Multi-technique approach on the interaction between sugar-based surfactant n-dodecyl b-d-maltoside and bovine serum albumin” Journal of Luminescence, vol. 169, Part A (2016) pp. 35-42 (IF=2.693) 23.11.2016
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev S.I., Ivanova D.S., Angarska Z.K., Manev E.D., Tsekov R., Radoev B., Slavchov R., Nguyen A.V. , Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage , (2010) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 365 (1-3) , pp. 122-136. Цитирана в: Vitasari, D., Grassia, P., Martin, P., “Surfactant transport onto a foam film in the presence of surface viscous stress” Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (3), pp. 1941-1958, 2016 10.11.2016
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Ivanova, D.S., Angarska, J.K. Drainage and critical thickness of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects volume 438, issue , year 2013, pp. 93 – 103. Цитирана в: Chock, B.P., Jones, T.B., Harding, D.R. “Effect of a surfactant on the electric-field assembly of oil-water emulsions for making foam targets” Fusion Science and Technology, 70 (2), pp. 206-218, 2016 10.11.2016
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева В реферирани издания Цитирания Karakashev S., D. Ivanova. Thin Liquid Films Drainage: Ionic versus Non-ionic Surfactants. - Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 343 (2010) 584–593 Цитирана в: Saad Bhamla, Chew Chai, Marco A. Alvarez-Valenzuela, Javier Tajuelo, Gerald G. Fuller, „Interfacial mechanisms for stability of surfactant-laden films”, arXiv:1608.02180 [physics.flu-dyn] (2016) 05.09.2016
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev S., D. Ivanova. Thin Liquid Films Drainage: Ionic versus Non-ionic Surfactants. - Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 343 (2010) 584–593 Цитирана в: Congjie Xiao, Leping Zhou, Zhuo Sun, Xiaoze Du, Yongping YangNear-Wall „Fluid Flow near the Pinned Contact Line during Droplet Evaporation” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 72 (2016) 210-217 05.09.2016
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания #Angarska, J. Ivanova, D., Gerasimova, A., Balashev, K., Competitive adsorption of bovine serum albumin and n-dodecyl-b-d-maltoside in foam films Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Volume 460, May 27, 2014, Pages 286-298 Цитирана в: Todorov, R. “Thin liquid films in biomedical studies ” Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science , 2015, 20 (2), pp. 130-138, Impact Factor: 5.84 23.11.2015
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Ivanova, D.S., Angarska, J.K. Drainage and critical thickness of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects volume 438, issue , year 2013, pp. 93 – 103. Цитирана в: 1. Wang, L. “Modeling of bubble coalescence in saline water in the presence of flotation frothers ” International Journal of Mineral Processing, volume 134, issue , year 2015, pp. 41 – 49. 23.11.2015
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev and D.S. Ivanova, “ Thin Liquid Films Drainage: Ionic versus Non-ionic Surfactants”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 343 (2010) 584–593 (IF = 3.070) Цитирана в: Wong, K., Chen, T., Connor, D.E., Behnia, M., Parsi, K., „Basic physiochemical and rheological properties of detergent sclerosants” Phlebology 30 (5), (2015) pp. 339-349 16.11.2015
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev and D.S. Ivanova, “ Thin Liquid Films Drainage: Ionic versus Non-ionic Surfactants”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 343 (2010) 584–593 (IF = 3.070) Цитирана в: Bournival, G., de Oliveira e Souza, L., Ata, S., Wanless, E.J., „Effect of alcohol frothing agents on the coalescence of bubbles coated with hydrophobized silica particles”Chemical Engineering Science 131, (2015) pp. 1-11 16.11.2015
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания S.I. Karakashev and D.S. Ivanova, “ Thin Liquid Films Drainage: Ionic versus Non-ionic Surfactants”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 343 (2010) 584–593 (IF = 3.070) Цитирана в: Zawala, J., Kosior, D., Malysa, K., „Formation and influence of the dynamic adsorption layer on kinetics of the rising bubble collisions with solution/gas and solution/solid interfaces„ Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 222, 1467, (2015) pp. 765-778 16.11.2015
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания R. Tsekov, D.S. Ivanova, R. Slavchov, B. Radoev, E.D. Manev, A.V. Nguyen, and S.I. Karakashev, ”Streaming Potential Effect on the Drainage of Thin Liquid Films stabilized by Ionic Surfactants”, Langmuir, 26 (7), (2010) 4703–4708 Цитирана в: Pini, C., Baier, T., Dietzel, M. „Energy conversion by surface-tension-driven charge separation”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 19 (3) (2015) pp. 721-735 16.11.2015
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева В сборник Доклади Dilyana Ivanova, Jana Angarska, Emil Manev, „Critical thickness of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside mixtures with nonionic or ionic surfactants ”, Colloids and Interfaces Sciences for a Brighter Future, Elsevier, 21-24 юни 2015, Амстердам, Холандия 20.08.2015
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева В сборник Доклади Д. Иванова, Ж. Ангарска и Е. Манев, „Изтъняване на пенни филми от смесени разтвори на нейонни и йонни повърхностно-активни вещества”, IV Научен семинар по физикохимия за млади учени и докторанти, БАН „Институт по Физикохимия” (София), 15-17 април 2015 20.08.2015
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev S.I., Ivanova D.S., Angarska Z.K., Manev E.D., Tsekov R., Radoev B., Slavchov R., Nguyen A.V. , Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage , (2010) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 365 (1-3) , pp. 122-136. Цитирана в: Liguang Wang, “Modeling of bubble coalescence in saline water in the presence of flotation frothers” , International Journal of Mineral Processing (Impact Factor: 1.46). 01/2015; 134:41-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.minpro.2014.11.008 21.04.2015
Доц. д-р . Диляна Стефанова Иванова-Станчева С импакт фактор Цитирания Karakashev S.I., Ivanova D.S. , Thin liquid film drainage: Ionic vs. non-ionic surfactants, (2010) Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 343 (2) , pp. 584-593. Цитирана в: Kosior, D., Zawala, J., Todorov, R.,Exerowa, D., Malysa, K., “Bubble bouncing and stability of liquid films formed under dynamic and static conditions from n-octanol solutions”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Volume 460, November 22, 2014, Pages 391-400 (IF=2.354) 24.11.2014
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