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Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии 2. Doichev D, Santander P, Koynova T, Petkov M, Natchev N. 2020. Assessment of the Ecological Status of “Dalgachka“ River in itsSection within the Protected Site “Ovcharovo“, (NE Bulgaria). ECOLOGIA BALKANICA 12(1): 76-84 05.03.2021
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания 1. Koynova T, Koleva V, Dragoeva A, Natchev N. 2019. Peri-Urban National Parks as Green Spaces for Recreation: A Case Study of Nature Park Shumen Plateau. 2019. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development 10(1):46 DOI: 10.4018/IJSESD.2019010104 Цитирана в: N. Becker (2020) How much is the designation of a new biosphere reserve worth? Landsenses ecology valuation evidence from Israel. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 27:3, 224-232, DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2019.1707326 11.01.2021
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Koynova T, Koleva V, Dragoeva A, Natchev N. 2019. Peri-Urban National Parks as Green Spaces for Recreation: A Case Study of Nature Park Shumen Plateau. 2019. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development 10(1):46 DOI: 10.4018/IJSESD.2019010104 Цитиерана в: N. Becker (2020) How much is the designation of a new biosphere reserve worth? Landsenses ecology valuation evidence from Israel, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 27:3, 224-232, DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2019.1707326 10.01.2021
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии 1. Koynova T, Doichev D, Natchev N. 2020. New data on the distribution of the Bulgarian Bent-toed Gecko (Mediodactylus danilewskii Strauch, 1887) in Shumen town (NE Bulgaria). Biharean biologist, 4 (2): 202302 10.01.2021
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии 2. Koynova T, Natchev N. 2020. MEDIODACTYLUS DANILEWSKII (Mediterranean Thin-toed Gecko). DIET. Herpetological review 51(4): 854 10.01.2021
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии 1. Koynova T, Doichev D, Natchev N. 2020. New data on the distribution of the Bulgarian Bent-toed Gecko (Mediodactylus danilewskii Strauch, 1887) in Shumen town (NE Bulgaria). Biharean biologist, 4 (2): 202302 10.01.2021
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии 3. Ibryamova S, Arhangelova N. Koynova T, Doichev D, Dimitrova Z, Ivanov R, Kalchev K, Chipev N, Natchev N, Tsveteslava Ignatova-Ivanova T 2020. Antifungal Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Isolated from Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. in The Bulgarian Black Sea aquatory. J of IMAB. 26(1): 2875-2882 10.01.2021
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии 1. Koynova T, Doichev D, Natchev N. 2020. Impacts of resource limitations on the reproduction behaviour in the Agile Frog (Rana dalmatina) on the territory of Natura park “Shumensko plato” ZooNotes 168: 1-4 10.01.2021
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev N, Heiss E, Lemell P, Stratev D, Weisgram J. 2009. Analysis of prey capture and food transport kinematics in two Asian box turtles, Cuora amboinensis and Cuora flavomarginata (Chelonia, Geoemydidae). Zoology. 112: 113-127. ЦИТИРАНА В: Khudamrongsawat J, Meetan D, Chansue N. 2019. Turtles in Temple Ponds in Thailand: Species, Abundance, and Health Issues. Society and Animals (BRILL), 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Natchev N, Heiss E, Lemell P, Stratev D, Weisgram J. 2009. Analysis of prey capture and food transport kinematics in two Asian box turtles, Cuora amboinensis and Cuora flavomarginata (Chelonia, Geoemydidae). Zoology. 112: 113-127. ЦИТИРАНА В: Montuelle S, Kane E. 2019. Food capture in Vertebrates. A complex integrative performance of the cranial and postcranial systems. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Bels V, Whishaw I, Eds.). pp 71-137. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev N, Heiss E, Lemell P, Stratev D, Weisgram J. 2009. Analysis of prey capture and food transport kinematics in two Asian box turtles, Cuora amboinensis and Cuora flavomarginata (Chelonia, Geoemydidae). Zoology. 112: 113-127. ЦИТИРАНА В: Kane E, Cohen H, Hicks W, Mahoney E, Marshall C.2019. Beyond Suction-Feeding Fishes: Identifying New Approaches to Performance Integration During Prey Capture in Aquatic Vertebrates. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 59(2): 456-472, 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Natchev N, Heiss E, Lemell P, Stratev D, Weisgram J. 2009. Analysis of prey capture and food transport kinematics in two Asian box turtles, Cuora amboinensis and Cuora flavomarginata (Chelonia, Geoemydidae). Zoology. 112: 113-127. ЦИТИРАНА В: Ferreira G, Werneburg I. 2019. Evolution, Diversity, and Development of the Craniocervical System in Turtles with Special Reference to Jaw Musculature. In: Heads, Jaws, and Muscles. Anatomical, Functional, and Developmental Diversity in Chordate Evolution. (Ziermann J, Diaz R, Diogo R, Eds.). pp. 171-206. Fascinating Life Sciences. / 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Salaberger D, Gumpenberger M, Weisgram J. 2009. Hurt yourself to hurt your enemy: new insights on the function of the bizarre antipredator mechanism in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl. Journal of zoology London. 280: 156-162. ЦИТИРАНА В: Escoriza D, Hassine J. 2019. Amphibians of North Africa. Elsivier, Academic press. pp 327. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Natchev N, Lemell P, Heiss E, Beisser C, Weisgram J. 2010. Aquatic feeding in a terrestrial turtle: a functional-morphological study of the feeding apparatus in the Indochinese box turtle Cuora galbinifrons (Chelonia, Geoemydidae). Zoomorphology. 129: 111-119. ЦИТИРАНА В: Ferreira G, Werneburg I. 2019. Evolution, Diversity, and Development of the Craniocervical System in Turtles with Special Reference to Jaw Musculature. In: Heads, Jaws, and Muscles Anatomical, Functional, and Developmental Diversity in Chordate Evolution. (Ziermann J, Diaz R, Diogo R, Eds.). pp. 171-206. Fascinating Life Sciences. / 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Beisser C, Lemell P, Weisgram J. 2010. The fish in the turtle: On the functionality of the oropharynx in the common musk turtle Sternotherus odoratus (Chelonia, Kinosternidae) concerning feeding and underwater respiration. Anatomical Record. 293: 1416-1424. ЦИТИРАНА В: Iwasaki S, Erdogan S, Asami T. 2019. Evolutionary Specialization of the Tongue in Vertebrates: Structure and Function. In: Feeding in Vertebrates Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Bels V, Whishaw I, Eds.). pp. 333-385. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Beisser C, Lemell P, Weisgram J. 2010. The fish in the turtle: On the functionality of the oropharynx in the common musk turtle Sternotherus odoratus (Chelonia, Kinosternidae) concerning feeding and underwater respiration. Anatomical Record. 293: 1416-1424. ЦИТИРАНА В: Montuelle S, Kane E. 2019. Food capture in Vertebrates. A complex integrative performance of the cranial and postcranial systems. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Bels V, Whishaw I, Eds.). pp 71-137. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Natchev N, Heiss E, Singer K, Kummer S, Salaberger D, Weisgram J. 2011. Structure and Function of the Feeding Apparatus in the Common Musk Turtle Sternotherus odoratus (Chelonia, Kinosternidae). Contributions to Zoology. 80: 143-156. ЦИТИРАНА В: Montuelle S, Kane E. 2019. Food capture in Vertebrates. A complex integrative performance of the cranial and postcranial systems. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Eds. Bels V, Whishaw I). pp 71-137. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Schwaha T, Salaberger D, Lemell P, Beisser C, Weisgram J. 2011. Oropharyngeal Morphology in the Basal Tortoise Manouria emys emys with Comments on Form and Function of the Testudinid Tongue. Journal of Morphology. 272:1217–1229. ЦИТИРАНА В: Iwasaki S, Erdogan S, Asami T. 2019. Evolutionary Specialization of the Tongue in Vertebrates: Structure and Function. In (Bels V, Whishaw I, Eds.): Feeding in Vertebrates Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics. pp. 333-385. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev N, Tzankov N, Gemel R. 2011. Green frog invasion in the Black Sea: habitat ecology of the Pelophylax esculentus complex (Anura, Amphibia) population in the region of Shablenska Тuzla lagoon in Bulgaria. Herpetology Notes. 4:347–351. ЦИТИРАНА В: Ruchin A. 2019. The effect of illumination and light spectrum on growth and larvae development of Pelophylax ridibundus (Amphibia: Anura). Journal Biological Rhythm Research, 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Heiss, E, Natchev N, Gumpenberger M, Weissenbacher A, Van Wassenbergh S. 2013. Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. Journal of the Royal Society Interface (UK) 10(82) DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2012.1028 ЦИТИРАНА В: Montuelle S, Kane E. 2019. Food capture in Vertebrates. A complex integrative performance of the cranial and postcranial systems. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Eds. Bels V, Whishaw I). pp 71-137. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Natchev N, Tzankov N, Vergilov V, Kummer S, Handschuh S. 2015. Functional morphology of a highly specialised pivot joint in the cranio-cervical complex of the minute lizard Ablepharus kitaibelii in relation to feeding ecology and behaviour. Contributions to zoology Bijdragen tot de dierkunde 84(1):13-23,DOI: 10.1163/18759866-08401002 ЦИТИРАНА В: Bels V, Pallandre JP, Charlier S, Maillard A, Legrenuer P, Russel A, Paindovoine A, Zghigh L, Paulet E, Van Gysel E, Remy C, Montuelle S. 2019. Predatory behavior in lizards. Strategies and Mechanics in catching prey. In (Bels V, Herrel A, Eds): Behaviour in lizards: Evolutionary and mechanistic perspectives. CRC press. pp 107-143. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Natchev N, Tzankov N, Vergilov V, Kummer S, Handschuh S. 2015. Functional morphology of a highly specialised pivot joint in the cranio-cervical complex of the minute lizard Ablepharus kitaibelii in relation to feeding ecology and behaviour. Contributions to zoology Bijdragen tot de dierkunde 84(1):13-23,DOI: 10.1163/18759866-08401002 ЦИТИРАНА В: Montuelle S, Kane E. 2019. Food capture in Vertebrates. A complex integrative performanceof the cranial and postcranial systems. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Eds. Bels V, Whishaw I). pp 71-137. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев Други Цитирания Werneburg I, Hinz JK, Gumpenberger M, Volpato V, Natchev N, Joyce WG. 2013. Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 324(2): 230-243. ЦИТИРАНА В: Troelsen P. 2019. Mobility and hydrodynamic implications of the long neck in plesiosaurs. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Werneburg I, Hinz JK, Gumpenberger M, Volpato V, Natchev N, Joyce WG. 2013. Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 324(2): 230-243. ЦИТИРАНА В: Iijima M, Kubo T. 2019. Comparative morphology of presacral vertebrae in extant crocodylians: taxonomic, functional and ecological implications. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 186(4):1006–1025 / 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Werneburg I, Hinz JK, Gumpenberger M, Volpato V, Natchev N, Joyce WG. 2013. Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 324(2): 230-243. ЦИТИРАНА В: Williams C, Stayton T. 2019. Effects of Sutured Pelvic Elements on Turtle Shell Strength: A Comparison of Pleurodire and Cryptodire Shell Mechanics. Herpetologica, 75(2): 123-133. // 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev, N, Petkov, Z, Dashev, G, Kornilev Y, Atanasoval, I and Chipev, N, 2015. Dietary specifications reflect the feeding behaviour of the European otter (Lutra lutra) in “Strandzha” Natural Park (Bulgaria). Acta Scientifica Naturalis 2, 12–22. ЦИТИРАНА В: Roviello V, Roviello, G. 2019. Recent Records of the Eurasian Otter (Lutra Lutra) in the Mercure-Lao River Valley, South Italy. Animal Sciences & Zoology, 2019070054 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201907.0054.v1). 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Koynova T, Tzankov N, Popgeorgiev G, Naumov B, Natchev N. 2017. A new distribution record of the Kotschy’s Gecko (Mediodactylus kotschyi) from inland north-eastern Bulgaria,” Herpetol. Notes, 10, 1 – 2. ЦИТИРАНА В: Turbanov I, Kukushkin O, Vargovitsh R. 2019. Amphibians and Reptiles in the Subterranean Cavities of the Crimean Mountains. Rus. J. Herpetol., 26(1): 29-53 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Koleva V, Dragoeva A, Koynova T, Natchev N. 2017. Soil Pollution Screening Using Physico-Chemical and Cytogenetic Approaches: a Case Study of a Bulgarian Suburban Nature Park. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 27(3) DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/76409. ЦИТИРАНА В: Kotelnikova A, Fastovets I, Rogova O, Volkov D, Stolbova V. 2019. Toxicity assay of lanthanum and cerium in solutions and soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (167): 20-28. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Koynova, T., Koleva, V., Dragoeva, A. P., & Natchev, N. (2019). Peri-urban national parks as green spaces for recreation: A case study of nature park shumen plateau. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 10(1), 46-58. doi:10.4018/IJSESD.2019010104 ЦИТИРАНА В: Nicolella A, Rivera P, Warren S, Dubuke T. 2019. Designing a Master Plan for the Bajo del Tigre Reserve. Digital WPI Interactive Qualifying Projects, pp: 57. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Andonov K, Natchev N, Tzankov N. 2017. Does sexual selection influence ornamentation of hemipenes in Old World snakes? Anatomical record (USA). DOI: 10.1002/ar.23622, Impact Factor: 1.48; SJR: 0.74, H Index: 75 ЦИТИРАНА В: De-Lima A, Paschoaletto I, Pinho L, Benmamman P, Klaczko J. 2019. Are hemipenial traits under sexual selection in Tropidurus lizards? Hemipenial development, male and female genital morphology, allometry and coevolution in Tropidurus torquatus (Squamata: Tropiduridae) 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Jablonski D, Jankov J, Bedev K, Natchev N. 2019. Albinism in Elaphe sauromates. Herpetological Bulletin (in press). SJR 0.21; IF 0.36; 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Студии Lemell P, Natchev N, Beisser C, Heiss E. 2019. Feeding in Turtles: Understanding Terrestrial and Aquatic Feeding in a Diverse but Monophyletic Group. In (Bels V, Whishaw I, eds.): Feeding in Vertebrates - Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics. Publisher: Springer International Publishing. pp 611-642. 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Handschuh S, Natchev N, Kummer S, Beisser C, Lemell P, Herrel A, Vergilov V. 2019. Cranial kinesis in the miniaturised lizard Ablepharus kitaibelii (Squamata: Scincidae). Journal of Experimental Biology 222:jeb.198291, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.198291. SJR 1.48; IF 2.8 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Telenchev I, Stanchev N, Panina K, Slavchev M, Lazarkevich I, Popgeorgiev G, Natchev N. 2019. Dolichophis caspius (Caspian Whip snake). Maximum size. Herpetological Review 50(1), 155. SJR 0.22; IF 0.6 14.09.2019
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Dyugmedzhiev, A., Tzankov, N., Natchev, N., Naumov, B., 2018. A non-traumatic multi-operational method for individual documentation and identification of nose-horned vipers (Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus, 1758) (Squamata, Viperidae)) allows reliable recognition of recaptured specimens. Biharean Biologist 12(2): e18130 07.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В сборник Цитирания Werneburg I, Hinz JK, Gumpenberger M, Volpato V, Natchev N, Joyce WG. 2013. Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. J. Exp. Zool. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 324(3): 230-243. Цитирана в: Arratia G, Schulze HP, Tischlinger H, Viohl. 2016. Solnhofen – Ein Fenster in die Jurazeit. Verlag Dr. F. Pheil. pp 620. 06.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Kornilev, Y., Natchev, N., Stoyanov, A., Naumov, B., Ivanchev, I. (2015): First survey on the invasive Pond slider (Trachemys scripta) in Bulgaria: historic development and current situation. Hyla 1: 18-27. Цитирана в: Foglini C, Salvi R. 2017. Non-native turtles in a peri-urban park in northern Milan (Lombardy, Italy): species diversity and population structure. Acta Herpetologica 12(2): 151-156, DOI: 10.13128/Acta_Herpetol-20700. 03.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Natchev N., Heiss E., Singer K., Kummer S., Salaberger D. & Weisgram J. 2011. Structure and function of feeding apparatus in the common musk turtle Sternotherus odoratus (Chelonia, Kinosternidae). Contrib. Zool. 80(2):143-156. Цитирана в: Silveira T, Agostinho E, Santos F, de Oliveira A, Medeiros L, de Carvalho Y, Miglino M. 2015. Evaluation of the oropharyngeal cavity of Giant South American turtle Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger, 1812). Pesq. Vet. Bras. (35) 12 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Natchev N., Lemell P., Heiss E., Beisser C. & Weisgram J. 2010. Aquatic feeding in a terrestrial turtle: a funcional-morphological study of the feeding apparatus in the Indochinese box turtle Cuora galbinifrons (Testudines, Geoemydidae). Zoomorphology 119:111-119. Цитирана в: Silveira T, Agostinho E, Santos F, de Oliveira A, Medeiros L, de Carvalho Y, Miglino M. 2015. Evaluation of the oropharyngeal cavity of Giant South American turtle Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger, 1812). Pesq. Vet. Bras. (35) 12 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Heiss E., Natchev N., Schwaha T., Salaberg D., Lemell P., Beisser C. & Weisgram J. 2011. Oropharyngeal morphology in the basal tortoise Manouria emys emys with comments on form and function of the testudine tongue. J. Morphol. 272:1217-1229. Цитирана в: Silveira T, Agostinho E, Santos F, de Oliveira A, Medeiros L, de Carvalho Y, Miglino M. 2015. Evaluation of the oropharyngeal cavity of Giant South American turtle Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger, 1812). Pesq. Vet. Bras. (35) 12 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Schwaha T, Salaberger D, Lemell P, Beisser C, Weisgram J. 2011. Oropharyngeal Morphology in the Basal Tortoise Manouria emys emys With Comments on Form and Function of the Testudinid Tongue. Journal of Morphology. 272:1217–1229 Цитирана в: Trisnawati W , Wiryono W, Karyadi B. 2018. STUDI BIOFISIK CALON HABITAT MANOURIA EMYS DI AREA KONSERVASI KURA-KURA DAN PENGEMBANGAN PEMBELAJARAN DI LUAR KELAS. Pendipa JSE 2:1. 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev N, Tzankov N, Werneburg I, Heiss E. (2015) Feeding behaviour in a ‘basal’ tortoise provides insights on the transitional feeding mode at the dawn of modern land turtle evolution. PeerJ 3:e1172 Цитирана в: Heiss E, Aerts P, Van Wassenbergh. 2018. Aquatic–terrestrial transitions of feeding systems in vertebrates: a mechanical perspective. Journal of Experimental Biology 2018 221: jeb154427 doi: 10.1242/jeb.154427 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Natchev, N., Tzankov, N., Werneburg, I., Heiss, E. 2015: Feeding behavior in a “basal” tortoise provides insights on the transitional feeding mode at the dawn of modern land turtle evolution. PeerJ, 3: e1172. Цитирана в: Nikolic M, Savic D, Ilic M, Stojadinovic D, Crnobrnja-Isailovic J .2016. A note on scavenging behaviour of adult Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni). Biologica Nyssana, 7 (1): 53-55. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.159104 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev N, Tzankov N, Werneburg I, Heiss E. (2015) Feeding behaviour in a ‘basal’ tortoise provides insights on the transitional feeding mode at the dawn of modern land turtle evolution. PeerJ 3:e1172 Цитирана в: Heiss E, De Vylder M. 2016. Dining dichotomy: aquatic and terrestrial prey capture behavior in the Himalayan newt Tylototriton verrucosus. Biology Open 5: 1500-1507; doi: 10.1242/bio.020925. 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E., N. Natchev, A. Rabanser, J. Weisgram, and H. Hilgers. 2009. Three types of cutaneous glands in the skin of the Salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl: A histological and ultrastructural study. Journal of Morphology 270: 892-902. Dawley E. 2017. Comparative Morphology of Plethodontid Olfactory and Vomeronasal Organs: How Snouts Are Packed. Herpetological Monographs 31(1):169-209. 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Статии Kornilev Y, Natchev N, Lillywhite H. 2017 Perils of ingesting harmful prey by macrostomatan snakes. SEH 19th European Congress of Herpetology and OGM, Salzburg (Austria). 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Kornilev Y, Natchev N, Mascort R, Fritz U. Best Practices for Handling Confiscated Turtles: The Kiten Protocol. Acta Zool. Bulg., 10: 165-168; 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Popgeorgiev G, Kornilev Y, Natchev N, Naumov B, Ivanchev I, Slavchev M, Stoyanov A, Tzankov N. 2017. Spatial Distribution of Emys orbicularis (L., 1758) and Mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes, 1833) in the Lower Veleka River, Bulgaria: First Observations. Acta Zool. Bulg., 10: 129-132 02.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Статии Vergilov V, Natchev N. 2018. Notes on the hatching phases and the size of the juveniles in the Snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii (Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833). ASN, 5 (1): 69-74; 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Koleva V, Dragoeva A, Koynova T, Natchev N. 2018. Soil Pollution Screening Using Physico-Chemical and Cytogenetic Approaches: a Case Study of a Bulgarian Suburban Nature Park. Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 27 (3): 1-8; 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Hurt yourself to hurt your enemy: new insights on the function of the bizarre antipredator mechanism in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl. Journal of zoology London. 280: 156-162. Цитирана в: von Byern J, Grunwald I, Kosok M, Saporito R, Dicke U, Wetjen O, Thiel K, Borcherding K, Kowalik T, Marchetti-Deschmann M. 2017. Chemical characterization of the adhesive secretions of the salamander Plethodon shermani (Caudata, Plethodontidae). Scientific Reportsvolume 7, Article number: 6647 (2017). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-05473-z. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E., Natchev, N., Salaberger, D., Gumpenberger, M., Rabanser, A., & Weisgram, J. Hurt yourself to hurt your enemy: new insights on the function of the bizarre antipredator mechanism in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl. Journal of Zoology 280 (2) 156-162.Цитирана в: Raaymakers C, Verbrugghe E, Stijlemans B, Martel A, Pasmans F, Roelantsa K. 2018. The anuran skin peptide bradykinin mediates its own absorption across epithelial barriers of the digestive tract. Peptide 103: 84-89. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E., N. Natchev, D. Salaberger, M. Gumpenberger, A. Rabanser, and J. Weisgram. 2009. Hurt yourself to hurt your enemy: new insights on the function of the bizarre antipredator mechanism in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl. Journal of Zoology 280:156–162. Цитирана в: Itgen М, Sessions S. 2016. Tail Autotomy as an Anti-Predator Weapon in Neotropical Plethodontid Salamanders of the Genus Bolitoglossa. Copeia 104(1):182-188. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания E. Heiss, N. Natchev, D. Salaberger, M. Gumpenberger, A. Rabanser, J. Weisgram. 2010. Hurt yourself to hurt your enemy: new insights on the function of the bizarre antipredator mechanism in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl J. Zool., 280 , pp. 156-162. Цитирана в: Lattina C, Emersonb M, Gallezota JD, Mulnixa T, Browna JE, Carsona R. 2018. A 3D-printed modular device for imaging the brain of small birds. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 293: 183 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев Други Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Salaberger D, Gumpenberger M, Weisgram J. 2009. Hurt yourself to hurt your enemy: new insights on the function of the bizarre antipredator mechanism in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl. Journal of zoology London. 280: 156-162. Цитирана в; Cooper A. 2018. Venom Yield, Regeneration, and Composition in the Centipede Scolopendra polymorpha. PhD Thesis. LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY. School of Medicine. pp 286. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E., Natchev, N., Salaberger, D., Gumpenberger, M., Rabanser, A., and Weisgram, J., 2009, Hurt yourself to hurt your enemy: new insights on the function of bizarre antipredator mechanism in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl : Journal of Zoology, v. 280, p. 156–162. Цитирана в: Jacisin J, Hopkins S. 2018. A redescription and phylogenetic analysis based on new material of the fossil newts Taricha oligocenica Van Frank, 1955 and Taricha lindoei Naylor, 1979 (Amphibia, Salamandridae) from the Oligocene of Oregon. Journal of Paleontology. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев Други Цитирания Wernburg, I., Hinz, J.K., Gumpenberger, M., Volpato, V., Natchev, N., & Joyce, W.G. 2013. Modeling Neck Mobility in Fossil Turtles. Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part B. 9999, 1-14. Цитирана в: Nagesan R. 2017. Neck Mobility of the Plesiosaur Nichollssaura borealis. Master Thesis. Univesity of Calgary. pp 144. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Werneburg I, Maier W, Gumpenberger M, Volpato V, Natchev N, Joyce WG. Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. J Exp Zool B- Mol Devel Evol. 2014;324: 230–243. Цитирана в: Smith HF, Hutchison JH, Townsend KEB, Adrian B, Jager D (2017) Morphological variation, phylogenetic relationships, and geographic distribution of the Baenidae (Testudines), based on new specimens from the Uinta Formation (Uinta Basin), Utah (USA). PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180574. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Werneburg, I., Hinz, J. K., Gumpenberger, M., Volpato, V., Natchev, N., and Joyce, W. G. (2015a). Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. J. Exp. Zool. B Mol. Dev. Evol. 324, 230–243. doi: 10.1002/jez.b.22557 Цитирана в: Lautenschlager S, Ferreira G, Werneburg I. 2017. Sensory Evolution and Ecology of Early Turtles Revealed by Digital Endocranial Reconstructions. Front. Ecol. Evol., 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Werneburg I, Hinz JK, Gumpenberger M, Volpato V, Natchev N, Joyce WG. 2013. Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. J. Exp. Zool. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 324(3):230-43. doi: 10.1002/jez.b.22557. Цитирана в; Boehmer C, Werneburg I. 2017. Deep time perspective on turtle neck evolution: chasing the Hox code by vertebral morphology. Scientific Reportsvolume 7, Article number: 8939. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-09133-0 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Werneburg, I., Hinz, J.K., Gumpenburger, M., Volpato, V., Natchev, N., and Joyce, W.G. 2015a. Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and DevelopmentalEvolution 324: 230–243. Цитирана в: Fronimos J, Wilson J.2017. Concavo-Convex Intercentral Joints Stabilize the Vertebral Column in Sauropod Dinosaurs and Crocodylians. Ameghiniana 54(2):151-176. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Natchev N, Tzankov N, Werneburg I, Heiss E. 2015. Feeding behaviour in a basal tortoise provides insights on the transitional feeding mode at the dawn of modern land turtle evolution. Peer J., 3:e1172; DOI: (10)7717: 1-23. In: Al-Zahaby SA, Elsayed NS, Hassan SS. 2018. Morphological, histological and ultrastructural (sem) characterization of the egyptian tortoise’s tongue. IJZS 3 (2): 101-111. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Natchev N, Tzankov N, Werneburg I, Heiss E. 2015. Feeding behaviour in a basal tortoise provides insights on the transitional feeding mode at the dawn of modern land turtle evolution. Peer J., 3:e1172; DOI: (10)7717: 1-23. In: Al-Zahaby SA, Elsayed NS, Hassan SS. 2018. Morphological, histological and ultrastructural (sem) characterization of the egyptian tortoise’s tongue. IJZS 3 (2): 101-111. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Natchev N, Kummer S, Singer K, Lemell P, Jennemann G, Tzankov N, Heiss E. 2015. Feeding on land with small tongue - ecomorphology of the feeding system in the European Pond Turtle Emys orbicularis L., 1758. Abstracts of the 5th Intern. Symp. onEmys orbicularis and the other European freshwater turtles, p. 24. In: Al-Zahaby SA, Elsayed NS, Hassan SS. 2018. Morphological, histological and ultrastructural (sem) characterization of the egyptian tortoise’s tongue. IJZS 3 (2): 101-111. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Natchev N, Heiss E, Lemell P, Stratev D, Weisgram J. 2009. Analysis of prey capture and food transport kinematics in two Asian box turtles, Cuora amboinensis and Cuora flavomarginata (Chelonia, Geoemydidae), with emphasis on terrestrial feeding patterns. Zoology, 112:113- 127. In: Al-Zahaby SA, Elsayed NS, Hassan SS. 2018. Morphological, histological and ultrastructural (sem) characterization of the egyptian tortoise’s tongue. IJZS 3 (2): 101-111. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Kummer S, Heiss E, Singer K, Lemell P, Natchev N. 2017. Feeding behaviour and feeding motorics in subadult European pond turtles, Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). Acta Zool. Bulg., 10: 77-84. In: Al-Zahaby SA, Elsayed NS, Hassan SS. 2018. Morphological, histological and ultrastructural (sem) characterization of the egyptian tortoise’s tongue. IJZS 3 (2): 101-111. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Schwaha T, Salaberger D, Lemell P, Beisser CJ, Weisgram J. 2011. Oropharyngeal morphology in the basal tortoise, Manouria emys emys, with comments on form and function of the testudinid tongue. J. Morphol, 272:1217-1229. In: Al-Zahaby SA, Elsayed NS, Hassan SS. 2018. Morphological, histological and ultrastructural (sem) characterization of the egyptian tortoise’s tongue. IJZS 3 (2): 101-111. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Beisser CJ, Lemell P, Weisgram J. 2010. The fish in the turtle: On the functionality of the oropharynx in the common musk turtle, Sternotherus odoratus (Chelonia, Kinosternidae) concerning feeding and underwater respiration. Anat. Rec, 293:1416- 1424. In: Al-Zahaby SA, Elsayed NS, Hassan SS. 2018. Morphological, histological and ultrastructural (sem) characterization of the egyptian tortoise’s tongue. IJZS 3 (2): 101-111. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев Други Цитирания Heiss E., Natchev N., Gumpenberger M., Weissenbacher A., and Van Wassenbergh S. (2013). Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. The Royal Society Interface, 10, 20121028, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2012.1028 Цитирана в: Skutschas P. 2018. Early stages in the evolution of salamanders (Lissamphibia, Caudata) and the transition from stem- to crown-group salamanders. PhD Thesis. St. Petersburg State University 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Gumpenberger M, Weissenbacher A, Van Wassenbergh S (2013) Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. J R Soc Interface. Цитирана в: Birinyi A, Racz N, Kecskes S, Matesz C, Kovalecz C.2018. Neural circuits underlying jaw movements for the prey-catching behavior in frog: distribution of vestibular afferent terminals on motoneurons supplying the jaw. Brain Struct Funct. 223: 1683. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E., Natchev, N., Gumpenberger, M., Weissenbacher, A., & Wassenbergh, S. V. (2013). Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 10, 20121028. Цитирана в: Heiss Е, Aerts P, Van Wassenbergh S. 2018. Aquatic–terrestrial transitions of feeding systems in vertebrates: a mechanical perspective. Journal of Experimental Biology 2018 221: jeb154427 doi: 10.1242/jeb.154427 Published 25 April 2018 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания E. Heiss, N. Natchev, M. Gumpenberger, A. Weissenbacher, S. Van Wassenbergh. 2013. Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 10 (2013), 10.1098/rsif.2012.1028 Цитирана в: Guia L, Li T, Zhang Q. 2018. Fish kidney cells show tolerance to hyperosmolality than amphibian. Aquaculture and Fisheries 3 (3): 135-138. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E., Natchev, N., Gumpenberger, M., Weissenbacher, A., Van Wassenbergh, S. 2013. Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. J. R. Soc. Interface 10, 20121028 Цитирана в: Zhou Z, Fortuny J, Jordi Marce-Nogue J, Skutschas P. 2017. Cranial biomechanics in basal urodeles: the Siberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii) and itsevolutionary and developmental implications. SCIENTIfIC REPOrtS | 7: 10174 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-10553-1 1-11. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Heiss, E.; Natchev, N.; Gumpenberger, M.; Weissenbacher, A.; Van Wassenbergh, S., Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a highperformance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. J. Roy. Soc. Interface 2013, 10, 20121028. Цитирана в: Kucera F, Beisser C, Lemell P. 2018. Size does matter – Intraspecific variation of feeding mechanics in the crested newt Triturus dobrogicus (Kiritzescu, 1903). ASN 5 (1): 75-85. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E., Natchev, N., Gumpenberger, M., Weissenbacher, A., & Wassenbergh, S. V. (2013). Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 10, 20121028. Цитирана в: Cundall D, Fernandez E, Irish F. 2017. The suction mechanism of the pipid frog, Pipa pipa (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Morphology 9: 1–12. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E., Natchev, N., Gumpenberger, M., Weissenbacher, A., Van Wassenbergh, S., 2013. Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. J. R. Soc. Interf. 10,20121028. Цитирана в: Stinson CM, Deban SM. 2018. Functional trade-offs in the aquatic feeding performance of salamanders. Zoology. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E., N. Natchev, M. Gumpenberger, A. Weissenbacher, and S. Van Wassenbergh. 2013. Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10:20121028. Цитирана в: Fernandez Е, Irish F, Cundall D. 2017. How a Frog, Pipa pipa, Succeeds or Fails in Catching Fish. Copeia 105 (1): 108-119. 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev, N., Tzankov, N. and Gemel, R. (2011): Green frog invasion in the Black Sea: habitat ecology of the Pelophylax esculentus complex (Anura, Amphibia) population in the region of Shablenska Tuzla lagoon in Bulgaria. Herpetology Notes 4: 347-351. Цитирана в: Bodin A, Ferenti S, Raluca I, Covaciu-Marcov S. 2013. Some data upon the Herpetofauna and terrestrial isopods from Beius Town, Romania. South-Western Journal Horticulture, Biology and Environment 4(2): 137-149; 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Nathcev, N., Ilieva, V., Koynova, T., Tzankov, N. (2016): Data from a five year monitoring on Green frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) at the Black sea coast of north Bulgaria. Biharean Biologist 10: 109-112.Цитирана в: Pеntek A.L., Sаrospataki M., Zsuga K. (2018): Larval overwintering of the Pelophylax esculentus complex in a sodic bomb crater pond near Apaj, Hungary. North-Western Journal of Zoology (2018): e177502 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev, N., Tzankov, N., Gemel, R. (2011): Green frog invasion in the Black Sea: habitat ecology of the Pelophylax esculentus complex (Anura, Amphibia) population in the region of Shablenska Тuzla lagoon in Bulgaria. Herpetology Notes 4: 347-351. Цитирана в: Pentek A.L., Sarospataki M., Zsuga K. (2018): Larval overwintering of the Pelophylax esculentus complex in a sodic bomb crater pond near Apaj, Hungary. North-Western Journal of Zoology (2018): e177502 01.06.2018
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Natchev N. 2016. Newly registered traces of Raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) indicate the presence of resident population in the region of Bolata dere (NE Bulgaria). ZooNotes, 90:1-3. Цитирана в: Popova E, Zlatanova D. 2017. The invasive raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides, Gray): an update of its distribution on the Balkans. Conference: 7th ESENIAS Workshop with Scientific Conference 03.11.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Salaberger D, Gumpenberger M, Weisgram J. 2009. Hurt yourself to hurt your enemy: new insights on the function of the bizarre antipredator mechanism in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl. Journal of zoology London. 280: 156-162. (Title page) Impact Factor 2.043, SJR 0.879, H Index 55 Цитирана в: Lattina CR, Emersonb MA, Gallezota JD, Mulnixa T, Browna JE, Carsona RE. 2017. A 3D-printed modular device for imaging the brain of small birds. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 293: 183-190. 17.10.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Werneburg I, Hinz JK, Gumpenberger M, Volpato V, Natchev N, Joyce WG. 2013. Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. J. Exp. Zool. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution (in press). IF 2.123, SJR 0.92, H Index 38. Цитирана в: Smith H, Hutchison H, Townsend B, Adrian B, Jager D. 2017. Morphological variation, phylogenetic relationships, and geographic distribution of the Baenidae (Testudines), based on new specimens from the Uinta Formation (Uinta Basin), Utah (USA). PLoSONE12(7):e0180574. 11.10.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E, Natchev N, Gumpenberger M, Weissenbacher A, Van Wassenbergh S. 2013. Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. Impact Factor 5.109, SJR 1.69, H Index 51; Цитирана в: Smithson T, Browne M, Davies S, Marshall J, Millward D, Walsh S, Clack J. 2017. A new mississipian tetrapod from fife, Scotland, and its environmental context. Papers in Palaeontology, 2017: 1-11. doi: 10.1002/spp2.1086; 31.08.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В реферирани издания Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Salaberger D, Gumpenberger M, Weisgram J. 2009. Hurt yourself to hurt your enemy: new insights on the function of the bizarre antipredator mechanism in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl. Journal of zoology London. 280: 156-162. (Title page) Impact Factor 2.043, SJR 0.879, H Index 55. Цитирана в: Arbuckle К. 2017. Evolutionary Context of Venom in Animals. Evolution of Venomous Animals and Their Toxins, pp.3-31. Springer Science and Business Media Dorchest 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6458-3_16 06.08.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss E, Natchev N, Salaberger D, Gumpenberger M, Weisgram J. 2009. Hurt yourself to hurt your enemy: new insights on the function of the bizarre antipredator mechanism in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl. Journal of zoology London. 280: 156-162. (Title page) Impact Factor 2.043, SJR 0.879, H Index 55 Цитирана в: von Byern J, Grunwald I, Kosok M, Saporito RA, Dicke U, Wetjen O, Thiel K, Borcherding K, Kowalik T, Marchetti-Deschmann M, 2017. Chemical characterization of the adhesive secretions of the salamander Plethodon shermani (Caudata, Plethodontidae). Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 6647 (2017): doi:10.1038/s41598-017-05473-z 29.07.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev N, Ilieva V, Koynova T, Tzankov N (2016) Data from a five year monitoring on green frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) at the Black sea coast of north Bulgaria. Bihareann Biologist 10(2):109–112; Цитирана в: Zhelev Z, Popgeorgiev G, Ivanov I, Boyadzhiev P. 2017. Changes of erythrocyte-metric parameters in Pelophylax ridibundus (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae) inhabiting water bodies with different types of anthropogenic pollution in Southern Bulgaria. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-9364-z 24.06.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Heiss, E, Natchev N, Gumpenberger M, Weissenbacher A, Van Wassenbergh S. 2013. Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. Journal of the Royal Society Interface (UK) 10(82) DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2012.1028 . Impact Factor: 5.109; SJR: 1.69; H Index: 51; Цитирана в: David Cundall, Edward Fernandez, Frances Irish2017. The suction mechanism of the pipid frog, Pipa pipa (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Morphology. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.20707 01.06.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В реферирани издания Статии Telenchev I, Mladenov V, Georgieva R, Redl E, Natchev N. 2017. Data of the herpetofauna-vehicle collisions in the region of Burgas city (SE Bulgaria). 55-та Научна конференция на русенския университет „Ангел Кънчев“ in Reports awarded with ”Best Paper“ Crystal Prize, SAT-2.209-I-EEP-04: 128-132 22.02.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev N, Lemell P, Heiss E, Beisser C, Weisgram J. 2010. Aquatic feeding in a terrestrial turtle: a functional-morphological study of the feeding apparatus in the Indochinese box turtle Cuora galbinifrons (Chelonia, Geoemydidae). Zoomorphology. 129: 111-119. Цитирана в: Cheng Ji, Da-Yong Jiang, Ryosuke Motani, Wei-Cheng Hao, Zuo-Yu Sun and Tao Cai. 2013. A new juvenile specimen ofGuanlingsaurus(Ichthyosauria, Shastasauridae) from the Upper Triassic of southwestern China. Journal: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2013, Volume 33, Number 2, Page 340 DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2013.723082 19.02.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Natchev, N., Tzankov, N., Werneburg, I. & Heiss, E. Feeding behaviour in a ‘basal’ tortoise provides insights on the transitional feeding mode at the dawn of modern land turtle evolution. PeerJ 3, IF 2.01, SJR 1.01, H Index 16 e1172 (2015) Цитирана в: Anquetin J, Tong H, Claude J. 2017. A Jurassic stem pleurodire sheds light on the functional origin of neck retraction in turtles. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 42376 (2017) IF 5.05, SJR 2.7, H Index 69 doi:10.1038/srep42376 19.02.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Werneburg I, Hinz JK, Gumpenberger M, Volpato V, Natchev N, Joyce WG. 2013. Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. J. Exp. Zool. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 324(3):230-43. doi: 10.1002/jez.b.22557. IF 2.123, SJR 0.92, H Index 38. Цитирана в: Anquetin J, Tong H, Claude J. 2017. A Jurassic stem pleurodire sheds light on the functional origin of neck retraction in turtles. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 42376 (2017) IF 5.05, SJR 2.7, H Index 69 doi:10.1038/srep42376 19.02.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В реферирани издания Статии Naumov B, Natchev N. 2016. A new record for Elaphe sauromates Pallas 1811 (Reptilia, Colubridae) from a highly urbanized habitat in Bulgaria. ZooNotes (Bulgaria) 92: 1-3; 19.02.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Andonov K, Natchev N, Tzankov N. 2017. Hemipenial morphology of the snakes from the Bulgarian herpetofauna and comparison with congeneric species. Anatomical record (USA). Impact Factor: 1.48; SJR: 0.74, H Index: 75 19.02.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В реферирани издания Статии Koynova T, Tzankov N, Popgeorgiev G, Naumov B, Natchev N. 2017. A new distribution record of the Kotschy’s Gecko (Mediodactylus kotschyi) from inland north-eastern Bulgaria. Herpetology notes (Germany). SJR: 0.28; H Index: 9; 19.02.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Natchev N, Handschu S, Tzankov N, Lukanov S, Naumov B, Werneburg I. 2016. Contributions to the functional morphology of caudate skulls: kinetic and akinetic forms. PeerJ (USA). 4:e2392. Impac Factor: 2.01; SJR: 1,1; H-index: 16; 19.02.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Stoilova N, Natchev N. 2017. Prevention of turtle’s access to the road - specifics of the EIA conditions and measures issued for the priority objects from the national linear infrastructure network in Bulgaria. Acta Zoological Bulgarica (Bulgaria). Impac Factor: 0.4; SJR: 0.21; H-index: 7 (accepted); 19.02.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Статии Kummer S, Heiss E, Singer K, Lemell P, Natchev N. 2017 Feeding behaviour and feeding motorics in subadult European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis, L. 1758). Acta Zoological Bulgarica (Bulgaria). Impac Factor: 0.4; SJR: 0.21; H-index: 7 19.02.2017
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев С импакт фактор Цитирания Werneburg I, Hinz JK, Gumpenberger M, Volpato V, Natchev N, Joyce WG. 2013. Modeling neck mobility in fossil turtles. J. Exp. Zool. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution (in press). IF 2.123, SJR 0.92, H Index 38. Цитирана в: Lawver D, Jackson FD. 2016. A fossil egg clutch from the stem turtle Meiolania platyceps: implications for the evolution of turtle reproductive biology. Journal of Vertebrate paleonthology. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2016.1223685. USA, IF=1.88, SJR=1.32, H Index=59; 10.10.2016
Проф. д-р Николай Добринов Начев В научно списание Цитирания Heiss, E., Natchev, N., Gumpenberger, M., Weissenbacher, A. and Van Wassenbergh, S. (2013b). Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander reveal a high-performance jaw-powered suction feeding mechanism. J. R. Soc. Interface 10, 20121028. Цитирана в: Heiss E, de Vylder M. 2016. Dining dichotomy: aquatic and terrestrial prey capture behavior in the Himalayan newt Tylototriton verrucosus. Biology open. DOI: 10.1242/bio.020925 14.09.2016
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