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ФТН / КОМУНИКАЦИОННА И КОМПЮТЪРНА ТЕХНИКА / Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов
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Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Revealing anomalies by network packet flooding on built FTP and OPENSSH servers in controlled lab environment. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 27, Shumen, 2024, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 138-156, Indexed in EBSCO (USA), ROAD, Crossref, National Centre for Information and Documentation (Bulgaria), Google Scholar, Mendeley, ResearchGate. 14.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Practical applications of hash functions MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256 using various software tools to verify the integrity of files. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 27, Shumen, 2024, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 120-137, Indexed in EBSCO (USA), ROAD, Crossref, National Centre for Information and Documentation (Bulgaria), Google Scholar, Mendeley, ResearchGate. 14.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Implementation of the symmetric cryptographic algorithms RC2 and Triple DES in ECB mode using cryptographic software program CrypTool. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 26, Shumen, 2024, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 67-83, Indexed in EBSCO (USA), ROAD, Crossref, National Centre for Information and Documentation (Bulgaria), Google Scholar, Mendeley, ResearchGate. 14.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Concealing text and executable files in JPG format files with a steganographic command-line tool in the operating system Kali Linux. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 26, Shumen, 2024, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 50-66, Indexed in EBSCO (USA), ROAD, Crossref, National Centre for Information and Documentation (Bulgaria), Google Scholar, Mendeley, ResearchGate. 14.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Virtualization of the operating system Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) via WMware VSphere hypervisor ESXi 6.5.0 for educational purposes in the Faculty of Technical Sciences. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 21, Shumen, 2021, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 45-53, DOI: Цитирано в: Tiawan, T., Fajari, M. S., Sihombing, R., Syastra, M. T., Novarini, R., Harahap, A. K., ... & Wijayanti, E. K. ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN WSL, VMWARE, DAN VIRTUAL BOX DI ATAS SISTEM OPERASI WINDOWS. Sentinel Journal, Jakarta, Indonesia, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2024, P-ISSN: 2622-1462, 409-420,, 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92, doi: Цитирано в: Qureshi, M. A., Ahmed, S., Mehmood, A., Shaheen, R., & Dildar, M. S. (2024). Vulnerability assessment of operating systems in healthcare: exploitation implications techniques and security. Health Sciences Journal, 2(2), 104-111, ISSN (Online): 2959-2259, ISSN (Print): 2959-2240,, 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Construction and simulation of optical local area computer networks for the needs of the academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 54, February 2019, pp. 89-96, Цитирано в: Mirtcheva-Ivanova, D., Application of Artificial Intelligence in E-Learning. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 208-211, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Construction and simulation of optical local area computer networks for the needs of the academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 54, February 2019, pp. 89-96, Цитирано в: Mirtcheva-Ivanova, D., Application of electronic platforms to increase the knowledge of learners. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 448-452, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41, Цитирано в: Mirtcheva-Ivanova, D., Application of Artificial Intelligence in E-Learning. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 208-211, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41, Цитирано в: Mirtcheva-Ivanova, D., Application of electronic platforms to increase the knowledge of learners. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 448-452, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Using a specialized software for comprehensive monitoring the suspicious states in computer networks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 6, 2014, pp. 148-154, Цитирано в: Kochankov, M., & Iliev, R. (2024, June). A Generalized Net Model for Accessing Information Resources in a Secure Environment. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 175-178, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Using a specialized software for comprehensive monitoring the suspicious states in computer networks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 6, 2014, pp. 148-154, Цитирано в: Iliev, R., Kochankov, M., A Generalized Net Model of Command and Control System. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 127-131, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Hristov, Hr., Boyanov, P., Trifonov, T., Approaches to identify vulnerabilities in the security system of the social organization and computer resources, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 101-107, doi: Цитирано в: Kochankov, M., & Iliev, R. (2024, June). A Generalized Net Model for Accessing Information Resources in a Secure Environment. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 175-178, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Hristov, Hr., Boyanov, P., Trifonov, T., Approaches to identify vulnerabilities in the security system of the social organization and computer resources, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 101-107, doi: Цитирано в: Iliev, R., Kochankov, M., A Generalized Net Model of Command and Control System. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 127-131, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Using a specialized software for comprehensive monitoring the suspicious states in computer networks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 6, 2014, pp. 148-154, Цитирано в: D. Tsonev, M. Kochankov and R. Iliev, \"A Generalized Net Model of Integration of Electronic-Communication Networks to Support the Command and Control Process,\" 2024 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Varna, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IS61756.2024.10705212. Indexed in Scopus. 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Hristov, Hr., Boyanov, P., Trifonov, T., Approaches to identify vulnerabilities in the security system of the social organization and computer resources, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 101-107, doi: Цитирано в: D. Tsonev, M. Kochankov and R. Iliev, \"A Generalized Net Model of Integration of Electronic-Communication Networks to Support the Command and Control Process,\" 2024 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Varna, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IS61756.2024.10705212. Indexed in Scopus. 05.11.2024
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Investigating the network traffic using the command-line packets sniffer Tcpdump in Kali Linux. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 25, Shumen, 2023, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 31-44, DOI: 15.12.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Basic network penetration testing with the network tool Netcat in Linux-based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 25, Shumen, 2023, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 15-30, DOI: 15.12.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Discovering wireless networks via modified scripts implementing linear algorithms for Linux based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 24, Shumen, 2023, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 89-101, DOI: 15.12.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Using modified sniffer scripts, implementing linear algorithms for detection of network port scan attacks in Linux based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 24, Shumen, 2023, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 78-88, DOI: 15.12.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Implementation of tcp syn flood cyber attack in the computer network and systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2019, 17, 36-42, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), EBSCO, Google Schloar and Web of Science, DOI: 28.03.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Simulation of local area computer networks with distance-vector routing protocols for the needs of the private company. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 18, Shumen, 2020, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 83-93, DOI: 28.03.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Using VMware VSphere hypervisor ESXi 6.5.0 for virtualization of the operating system Kali Linux (64-Bit) for educational purposes in the Faculty of Technical Sciences. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 21, Shumen, 2021, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), 54-63, DOI: 28.03.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Virtualization of the operating system Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) via WMware VSphere hypervisor ESXi 6.5.0 for educational purposes in the Faculty of Technical Sciences. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 21, Shumen, 2021, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 45-53, DOI: 28.03.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Analysis and monitoring the network traffic in the process of connecting to industrial Siemens controllers. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 22, Shumen, 2022, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 41-49, DOI: 28.03.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., A comprehensive scanning for open, closed and filtered ports in the computer systems and networks. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 23, Shumen, 2022, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 85-98, DOI: 28.03.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Implementation of modified network port scanner for Windows based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 23, Shumen, 2022, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 73-84, DOI: DOI: 28.03.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Implementation of software application for network port scanning in Android based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 23, Shumen, 2022, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 60-72, DOI: 28.03.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Implementation of modified script for Linux based operating systems using a linear algorithm for network port scanning. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 23, Shumen, 2022, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 48-59, DOI: 28.03.2023
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов Други Монографии Боянов, П., Кибератаки и противодействие, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2017, 210 с., ISBN 978-619-201-206-9 17.10.2022
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов Други Монографии Боянов, П., Неоторизиран достъп до информационни ресурси в компютърна мрежова среда – превенции и защита, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 249 с., ISBN 978-619-201-619-7 17.10.2022
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов Други Монографии Боянов, П., Хакерски техники и технологии, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 234 с. ISBN 978-619-201-620-3 17.10.2022
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов Други Учебници Боянов, П., Програмиране на Siemens контролери, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 181 с., ISBN 978-619-201-592-3 17.10.2022
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов Други Учебници Боянов, П., Симулационно моделиране в средата на SIMULINK, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 143 с., ISBN 978-619-201-593-0 17.10.2022
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов Други Учебници Боянов, П., Програмиране в средата на MATLAB, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 162 с., ISBN 978-619-201-591-6 17.10.2022
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов Други Учебници Боянов, П., Университетска платформа за обучение в електронна среда, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 271 с., ISBN 978-619-201-590-9 17.10.2022
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В сборник Статии Боянов П. К., Изследване на корелационните свойства на сложни радиосигнали, използвани в безжичната комуникационна система LTE. Сборник научни трудове от проведена научна сесия 2011 г. в НВУ „Васил Левски, Факултет „Артилерия, ПВО и КИС“, Шумен, 2012, ч. III, Курсантско-студентска секция, изд. „Химера“ ООД, c/o Jusautor, ISSN 1313-7433, 2012, с. 41-49. 23.07.2022
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov Kr. P. et al., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, Scopus, Web of Science (Q4) - IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017). Цитирано в: Halynska Y, Bondar T, Yatsenko V, Oliinyk V. Combined model of optimal electricity production: evidence from Ukraine. Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal. 2022;25(1):39-58. 20.07.2022
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41. Цитирано в: Espinosa D.M., Vidal D.C., Huidobro C.B. Methodological Proposal for Privilege Escalation in Windows Systems. Proceedings of 10th International Congress of Telematics and Computing - WITCOM, Virtual Event, November 8-12 2021, part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS), November 2021, vol. 1430. Springer, Cham, Print ISBN: 978-3-030-89585-3, Series E-ISSN: 1865-0937, eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-89586-0, Series ISSN: 1865-0929, pp. 138-150. Indexed in Scopus. SJR=0.160 for 2020, Scopus.,, 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Getsov, P., Stoyanov, St., Boyanov, P., Research of the transparency characteristics of the atmosphere which influence the flight control of flying machines. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.11, 2017, pp. 5-9. Цитирано в: Zhekov, Zh., Mardirossian, G., Non-linear receiver reaction of irradiation with complex spectral composition. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.19, 2020, pp. 5-10. 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Getzov, P., Stoyanov, S., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Visual detection of distant objects using electronic optical devices at irregular background luminance. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.10, 2016, pp. 5-10. Цитирано в: Zhekov, Zh., Mardirossian, G., Energy efficiency of a system for primary processing of signals in an opto-electronic device operation under low-contrast conditions. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.19, 2020, pp. 11-16. 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Getzov, P., Stoyanov, S., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Visual detection of distant objects using electronic optical devices at irregular background luminance. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.10, 2016, pp. 5-10. Цитирано в: Zhekov, Zh., Mardirossian, G., Non-linear receiver reaction of irradiation with complex spectral composition. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.19, 2020, pp. 5-10. 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Stoyanov St., Boyanov, P., Zhekov, Zh., Implementation of Factor Analysis in the Optical Manufacturing. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol. 8, 2015, pp. 16-20. Цитирано в: Zhekov, Zh., Kalev, K., A special case of calculation of optical system for a collimator with an anfocal achromatic collimator. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.18, 2020, pp. 12-16. 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Zhekov, Zh., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Chervenkov, D., Trifonov, T., Method for identification of signals, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 108-112. Цитирано в: Zhekov, Zh., Kalev, K., A special case of calculation of optical system for a collimator with an anfocal achromatic collimator. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.18, 2020, pp. 12-16. 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Stoyanov, St., Boyanov, P., Converting the learning process in educational research work of the students, Journal Science Education Innovation, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 1. 2013, pp. 20-24. Цитирано в: Цветослав, С., Станимира, Ц., Способ за подбуждане на интерес у учениците в прогимназиален етап, към знания за якостта на материалите. XIII Международной научно-практической конференции “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, Том. 4, ISBN: 978-5-00137-158-8, Белово 2020, УДК: 378, pp. 196-201., 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В сборник Цитирания Zhelezov St. K., Paraskevov Hr. Iv., Hristov Hr. At., Boyanov P. Kr., Uzunova B. Hr., An architecture of steganological subsystem for information protection, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 123-128 Цитирано в: Zhelezov, S., Kordov, K., Method for Spread Spectrum Steganography with Cryptographic Algorithm. Proceedings of the National Conference on \"Education and Research in the Information Society\", Plovdiv, November, 2020, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Association for the Development of the Information Society, ISSN: 2534-8663, pp. 31-36., 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Цветослав, С., Станимира, Ц., Способ за подбуждане на интерес у учениците в прогимназиален етап, към знания за якостта на материалите. XIII Международной научно-практической конференции “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, Том. 4, ISBN: 978-5-00137-158-8, Белово 2020, УДК: 378, pp. 196-201., 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов Други Цитирания Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Implementation of network enumeration cyber-attacks and defense the computer resources of the local and wide area networks, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 392-397. Цитирано в: Николов, Л., Киберсигурност на комуникационно-информационните системи. Монография, Издателски комплекс при НВУ „Васил Левски“, ISBN 978-619-7531-22-0, гр. Шумен, 2021 г., 189 с. 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов Други Цитирания Savov, I., Boyanov, P., Implementation of the Denial of Service (DOS) cyber attack against the information resources of national government agencies and academic institutions, Politics & Security Journal, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2535-0358, Year III, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 15-20. Цитирано в: Николов, Л., Киберсигурност на комуникационно-информационните системи. Монография, Издателски комплекс при НВУ „Васил Левски“, ISBN 978-619-7531-22-0, гр. Шумен, 2021 г., 189 с. 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Николов, Л., Киберсигурност на комуникационно-информационните системи. Монография, Издателски комплекс при НВУ „Васил Левски“, ISBN 978-619-7531-22-0, гр. Шумен, 2021 г., 189 с. 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Security and vulnerability of the modern information systems in the government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 386-391. Цитирано в: Николов, Л., Киберсигурност на комуникационно-информационните системи. Монография, Издателски комплекс при НВУ „Васил Левски“, ISBN 978-619-7531-22-0, гр. Шумен, 2021 г., 189 с. 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Боянов П., Кибератаки и противодействие, Университетско издателство \"Епископ Константин Преславски\" Шумен, ISBN 978-619-201-206-9, гр. Шумен, 2017 г., 210 с. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences),, 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Ташева, Ж., Боянов П., Сравнителен анализ на злонамерени уеб-базирани атаки, Научна конференция на тема „Защитата на личните данни в контекста на информационната сигурност”, Факултет \"Артилерия, ПВО и КИС\" при Националният военен университет „Васил Левски”, гр. Шумен, България, ISBN 978-954-9681-49-9, 6 - 7 Юни 2013, с. 178-183. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences),, 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences),, 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov, P., Using the security network scanner GFI Languard to discover and improve the vulnerabilities in the computer network systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 4, 2013, pp.74-79. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences),, 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov Kr. P. et al., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, Scopus, Web of Science (Q4) - IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017). Цитирано в: Pavelko, O., Lazaryshyna, I., Dukhnovska, L., Sharova, S., Oliіnyk, T., Donenko, I., Construction Development and Its Impact on the Construction Enterprises Financial Results. Studies of Applied Economics (Estudios de Economia Aplicada), An official journal of the International Association of Applied Economics, Spain, ISSN: 1133-3197, Vol. 39 No. 3, May 2021, pp. 1-11. Indexed in Scopus, EconLit, RePec, Isoc, Latindex, Dialnet, Redalyc. SJR=0.123 for 2020, Scopus.,,, 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov, P., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences),, 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov Kr. P. et al., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, Scopus, Web of Science (Q4) - IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017). Цитирано в: Artyukhov, A., Omelyanenko, V., Prokopenko, O., University Technology Transfer Network Structure Development: Education and Research Quality Issues. TEM Journal-Technology Education Management Informatics, UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, Serbia, May 2021, ISSN: 2217-8309 (Print). eISSN: 2217-8333 (Online), Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 607-619. Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, SJR=0.199 for 2020, Scopus. 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov, P., Using the Colasoft Capsa network analyzer to diagnose, pinpoint and detect a variety of malicious cyber-attacks and to improve the vulnerabilities for a SOHO network. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 93-100. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences),, 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov, P., Savova, Zh., Implementation of credential harvester attack method in the computer network and systems, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp.427-434, Indexed in Google Scholar, Research Gate. Цитирано в: Naser, A., Jazzar, M., Eleyan, D., Eleyan, A., Social Engineering Attacks: A Phishing Case Simulation. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, ISSN 2277-8616, Vol. 10, Issue 3, March 2021, pp. 18-22. Indexed in Scopus. SNIP=0.485 for 2020, Scopus., 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Цитирания Boyanov Kr. P. et al., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, Scopus, Web of Science (Q4) - IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017). Цитирано в: Oriekhova, K., Kendiukhov, O., Zakharkin, O., Solodovnik, O., Zakharkina, L., Murovana, T., Optimization modelling of engineering enterprises financial security improvement. Journal of Applied Engineering Science, Institut za Istrazivanja I Projektovanja u Privredi (Institute for research and design in industry), Belgrade, Serbia, ISSN: 1451-4117 (printed), E-ISSN: 1821-3197 (online), pp. 1-9. Indexed in Scopus, DOAJ, Crossref, ROAD. Indexed in Scopus. SJR=0.250 for 2020, Scopus. DOI:,, 25.11.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Боянов, П., Приложение на кибератаката от тип социално инженерство срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие “МАТТЕХ 2018“ - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.42-51. Цитирано в: Nikolov, L., Social engineering as a high cybersecurity threat. International Scientific Journal “Security & Future“, WEB ISSN 2535-082X; PRINT ISSN 2535-0668, Year III, Issue 3, 2019, pp. 106-108. 05.03.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Анализ на съвременните видове уязвимости и експлойти в компютърните мрежи и системи, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 112-122. Цитирано в: Nikolov, L., Social engineering as a high cybersecurity threat. International Scientific Journal “Security & Future“, WEB ISSN 2535-082X; PRINT ISSN 2535-0668, Year III, Issue 3, 2019, pp. 106-108. 05.03.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов Други Цитирания Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41. Цитирано в: Greinsmark, Carl., “Ransomware.“, 2020, Independent project (degree project), 15 credits, for the degree of Degree of Bachelor of Science (180 credits), with a major in Computer Science Spring Semester 2020, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Kristianstad University, Sweden, p. 40. ( 05.03.2021
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Analyzing security threats in smart homes technology. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 373-378. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol – EIGRP. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 35-46. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Analyzing security threats in smart homes technology. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 373-378. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 47-58. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Analyzing security threats in smart homes technology. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 373-378. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Capabilities for high-speed data transmission through the use of visible light. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 379-385. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol – EIGRP. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 35-46. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Capabilities for high-speed data transmission through the use of visible light. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 379-385. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 47-58. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Capabilities for high-speed data transmission through the use of visible light. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 379-385. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Lilov, V., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Cyber intelligence in protecting organizations from malicious activity. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 386-392. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Stoyanov, St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol – EIGRP. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 35-46. Цитирано в: Lilov, V., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Cyber intelligence in protecting organizations from malicious activity. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 386-392. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Stoyanov, St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 47-58. Цитирано в: Lilov, V., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Cyber intelligence in protecting organizations from malicious activity. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 386-392. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Ahmedova, D., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The use of packet sniffing tools in computer networks security. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 401-406. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Stoyanov, St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol – EIGRP. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 35-46. Цитирано в: Ahmedova, D., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The use of packet sniffing tools in computer networks security. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 401-406. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Stoyanov, St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 47-58. Цитирано в: Ahmedova, D., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The use of packet sniffing tools in computer networks security. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 401-406. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Stoyanov, St., Boyanov, P., Spectrophotometer with two concave diffraction lattices for investigation of the atmospheric ozone in the strips of Hartly-Huggins and Shoppui, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 5. 2015, pp. 65-70. Цитирано в: Vasilev, M., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Hydrogen as a fuel and how it can make our cars better and cleaner. Proceedings of the Eighth Student Scientific Conference “Ecology and Environment” 2020, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology, vol. 7, April 24-25, 2020, ISSN 2367-5209, Shumen, pp. 65-73. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Lilov, V., Borisov, A., Tsankov, Ts., Reducing exhaust emissions by increasing the power-to-volume ratio of the internal combustion engine. Proceedings of the Eighth Student Scientific Conference “Ecology and Environment” 2020, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology, vol. 7, April 24-25, 2020, ISSN 2367-5209, Shumen, pp. 83-91. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Detection and implementation of alternate data streams in the computer and network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 34-42. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The asymmetric multiprocessor operating system – a new opportunity for manufacturing operations management. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 16-23. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The asymmetric multiprocessor operating system – a new opportunity for manufacturing operations management. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 16-23. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Implementation of the network vulnerability scanner Armitage for security weaknesses detection in the computer network and systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2019, 15, 47-54, ISSN 1314-6289, EBSCO, Google Schloar and Web of Science. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The asymmetric multiprocessor operating system – a new opportunity for manufacturing operations management. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 16-23. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Kodzheykov, R., Zhekov, Zh., Boyanov, P., Analysis of information resources in the system of logistics management. Proceedings of the Annual University Scientific Conference 16-17 July, “Vasil Levski” National Military University, vol. 12, ISSN 1314-1937, 2015, pp. 191-198. Цитирано в: Karadocheva, M., Vasilev, M., Tsankov, Ts., The fast food production process and the addictive ingredients. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 69, May 2020, pp. 32-36. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Zhekov, Zh., Boyanov, P., Chervenkov, D., 2015. Analysis of features of the logistical information systems, Proceedings of the Annual University Scientific Conference 16-17 July, “Vasil Levski” National Military University, vol. 12, ISSN 1314-1937, pp. 208-213. Цитирано в: Karadocheva, M., Vasilev, M., Tsankov, Ts., The fast food production process and the addictive ingredients. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 69, May 2020, pp. 32-36. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Computer didactic tool for network addressing and routing. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 70, June 2020, pp. 54-61. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol - EIGRP, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 35-46. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Computer didactic tool for network addressing and routing. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 70, June 2020, pp. 54-61. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 47-58. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Computer didactic tool for network addressing and routing. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 70, June 2020, pp. 54-61. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Detection and implementation of alternate data streams in the computer and network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 34-42. Цитирано в: Yankova-Yordanova, Y., Konstantinova, E., Implementation of mechanized parkings for the provisional and long-term parking of vehicles in Shumen. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 98-105. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Yankova-Yordanova, Y., Konstantinova, E., Implementation of mechanized parkings for the provisional and long-term parking of vehicles in Shumen. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 98-105. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Getzov, P., Stoyanov, S., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Visual detection of distant objects using electronic optical devices at irregular background luminance, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.10, 2016, pp. 5-10. Цитирано в: Yankova-Yordanova, Y., Konstantinova, E., Implementation of mechanized parkings for the provisional and long-term parking of vehicles in Shumen. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 98-105. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Detection and implementation of alternate data streams in the computer and network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 34-42. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Environmental protection through the use of new technologies for co-generation of electrical and thermal power. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 91-97. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Environmental protection through the use of new technologies for co-generation of electrical and thermal power. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 91-97. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Getzov, P., Stoyanov, S., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Visual detection of distant objects using electronic optical devices at irregular background luminance, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.10, 2016, pp. 5-10. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Environmental protection through the use of new technologies for co-generation of electrical and thermal power. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 91-97. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Detection and implementation of alternate data streams in the computer and network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 34-42. Цитирано в: Yankova-Yordanova, Y., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Forecasting logistics systems through models. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 68, April 2020, pp. 105-109. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Цитирания Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Yankova-Yordanova, Y., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Forecasting logistics systems through models. International Scientific Online Journal,, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 68, April 2020, pp. 105-109. 12.11.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Статии Iliev, M., Bedzheva, M., Boyanov, P., Bedzhev, B., Tsankov, Ts., Requirements to the Personal Work Stations in the University’s Computer Laboratories, 29th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) - 2019, Electronic ISSN: 2472-7687, Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2376-4198, 4-6 September 2019, Ruse, Bulgaria, pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/EAEEIE46886.2019.9000443, indexed in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Google Scholar, Scopus. 02.03.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Статии Iliev, M., Bedzheva, M., Boyanov, P., Bedzhev, B., Tsankov, Ts., Application of Number Theoretic Transformations for Signal Processing in Radar Sensors, 29th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) - 2019, Electronic ISSN: 2472-7687, Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2376-4198, 4-6 September 2019, Ruse, Bulgaria, pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/EAEEIE46886.2019.9000451, indexed in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Google Scholar, Scopus. 02.03.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Savova, Zh., Implementation of credential harvester attack method in the computer network and systems, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp.427-434, Google Scholar, Research Gate. 09.02.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов С импакт фактор Статии Boyanov Kr. P. et al., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, Scopus, Web of Science (Q4) - IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017). 09.02.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Implementation of the web based platforms for collecting and footprinting ip information of hosts in the computer network and systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2019, 16, 42-49, ISSN 1314-6289, EBSCO, Google Schloar and Web of Science. 09.02.2020
Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов В реферирани издания Статии Boyanov, P., Implementation of the network vulnerability scanner Armitage for security weaknesses detection in the computer network and systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2019, 15, 47-54, ISSN 1314-6289, EBSCO, Google Schloar and Web of Science. 09.02.2020
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